Julian De Vizio: The One That Got Away (Part 1)

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NOTE: (*) In text relates to the media posted on the side bar, can be photos, videos, etc.


Fairy tales, love songs, romance novels and films; you can’t blame a girl for desperately aching for that ‘one true love’. We’re constantly surrounded by paralysing love from childhood, it’s natural to want and desire. So, I guess you could say that I’m just a typical teenage girl searching for an unrealistic prince in today’s overly hopeful society. I ‘want to be wanted’ and to experience ‘love at first sight’, but mostly, I want someone to be my entire world and nothing less.

The air escaped my lips as a sigh of frustration. Damn it, why did I have to figure this out AFTERWARDS? So stupid!

I’d been beating myself up over it for months now; endlessly replaying those memories over in my head. I had the world’s best break up songs known to man blasting through my headphones on shuffle (*SONG IN SIDEBAR*). I tried to pretend it didn’t bother me, but truthfully it hurt, and I’d shut off from my family, friends, and ultimately the world. As far as he was concerned he was happy, and I, Elena Scott had dropped off the edge of the Earth. I was nothing more than a silly mistake and dulled memories to him.


It was the summer of 2011, and Australia was definitely living up to its usual warm and sunny weather. My family had left for an end of year holiday to Thailand, leaving me completely alone in our Adelaide house, despite my Dad’s hesitance. I had begged and pleaded him for weeks in advance to let me stay behind for the New Year’s Eve music party. Finally he’d caved in and I was absolutely ecstatic. Sure, he’d bombarded me with silly rules before they left, but for the next month I was officially all on my own.

Excited to get out of the house I swiftly chucked on a white lace dress and my beloved aviator sunnies, finishing off with messy curls on the end of my long dirty-blonde hair. Locking up the house, I chucked my keys, phone and wallet into my over-sized hand bag.

I was in absolute awe when I arrived at the music festival; a big canopy shadowed over the multiple stages and music of all genres was flowing through the crisp air. Endless amounts of people were crowding the artist of their choice and showing their appreciation through cheers. Searching around I sighted the nearest food and beverage stall, and began making my way through the crowd.

“One vanilla coke please” I found myself shouting over the music. Happy with my choice I turned to suss out the variety of bands that were currently playing, settling on a guy that couldn’t be more than 18.

I’d heard the laughter first, and turned to see a group of careless guys running through the chaotic crowd. I braced myself for the sudden impact as my body was forcefully thrown backwards, consequently showering me in my drink.

A groan escaped my mouth, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” The sticky substance covered my whole dress, creating a highly unfashionable and incredibly see-through look.

“Hey, I saw what happened, they were so rude. Are you okay?” The voice came from beside me and I turned to spot a tall, dark and handsome mystery man. He graciously extended his hand to me for assistance.

“…obviously not, my dress is ruined…” I reluctantly took his hand and effortlessly, he hauled me to my feet.

Removing his hoodie, he was left in a thin white shirt and jeans, “here, take this.” I began to object, but he draped it over my tanned shoulders.

He smiled and looked at his feet in embarrassment, “I’m Julian by the way.”

Before he realised, I’d slipped away into the endless sea of the crowd. Falling in love was definitely not on my agenda for this summer.

Julian De Vizio - The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now