Chapter 1

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Is it just me, or is society turned to shit? Like, it's okay to call someone anorexic, but it's suddenly cruel and inhumane to call someone a fat ass? Why? It's kind and okay to call someone young but when someone calls someone old, it's suddenly, it's rude.

When I was born, I was adopted by my loving family. I was malnourished, for I had come from a pretty shitty place. I had to be hospitalized over 2 times in the same month. I am naturally skinny. You see, all my life, I've been make fun of for being skinny. For being me. People call me an anorexic hoe, a slutty skeleton, a dumb ass small bitch, and so much worse.

People misread me, too. I look really judgemental, with my lazy eye, my brown hair, and the way I look pissed off and don't give a damn. People call me gothic. But to be honest, I couldn't give less shits than a constipated dog.

People automatically assume I'm something I'm not. They try to predict my life. OMG you're so skinny you must be so happy with yourself! or omfg you're a brunette who always wears black? You're like so gothic what the hell is wrong with you?

I woke up in the morning, reminding myself my Monday morning just got ten times shittier. The damn bus. I have to take the goddamn bus. Aka, the yellow car where people make fun of me. Why the fuck do I even take the bus? If I had my own car, I wouldn't have to, but thanks to my dumb ass budget, I can't afford a damn car. I wanted to cry. I had a granola bar, and just ran out to the bus once I was dressed. I was wearing my pink Aeropostale shirt with my light blue bleached skinny jeans and a black embroidery belt.

"Omfg she's so damn skinny!", I heard someone whisper.

I couldn't find a seat, so I walked up and down the bus trying to look for one. I finally planted my ass in a seat next to my friend, Alex. Alex made fun of me a lot, but he was my only friend on the bus. He joked around, but the things he said actually really hurt me. Especially when he says it in front of people to impress his friends on the bus like Oliver and Ian, the two biggest assholes ever. I used to be friends with Oliver, for I lived down the street, until he became popular.

"Hey bitch", Alex said to me, as I put my green binder over my lap.

"Hey dick head", I laughed back, punching him in the arm.

"Haha that didn't hurt because your skinny as fuck", he laughed, jokingly. I laughed back, secretly hurting inside.

Another thing, people don't realize being skinny isn't fun and perfect. Unless your wrists are the perfect size, and you have the perfect body and are eye candy, you're nothing but another shit ready to be picked up by a janitor. Being skinny is just as bad as being fat, believe it or not. They're the same thing, just society makes one seem better than the other.

Alex pushed me into the seat next to me. A red headed guy, about 5", looked at me. "Ay, I'm not into your type, hon, I'm not interested", he joked. Alex laughed too, only eating on the fact that the guy, whose name was Pryce, was ugly as fuck and obviously an asshole too. I got back into my seat and started to do my homework.

When the bus got to school, I waited for this girl in front of me to pick up her slow ass pace. She giggled, as she purposely walked slow as shit to get on my nerves. And shit was it working. When I actually got off the bus, we were late, so we were really the only bus departing. I hooked my hand around Alex's backpack hook at the top of the backpack.

"Can you not?", he joked, in an amusingly entertaining, funny voice, while he made a dumb face, making me laugh.

I kept grasping his backpack, and he walked over to Ian and Oliver calling out to them. "Um can one of you help me get this dumb anorexic hoe off my backpack". They all laughed.

Suddenly my hand just found it's way to unhook from Alex's backpack, and he walked with Ian and Oliver to class, without me. I, for some reason, couldn't walk. My legs worked and I could walk, I just, wanted to stand there, staring into the distance. I felt my heart drop down to my stomach, dissolving into tens of millions of little bits.

I tried to resist going towards the shitty hell some people referred to as school, but my feet found minds of their own, and I felt forced to walk to the second floor, where I would begin my day with math class. I hate math class. Everything about it. Hate the teacher, hate the people, hate the subject, hate everything.

"Miss Marci, why are you late?", my teacher asked. I looked at the clock. Fuck, it's 8:03, 18 minutes past the bell and I didn't get my damn pass.

"I um", I said, looking at the classroom, who seemed to be eavesdropping every one of our words. "I forgot my pass. I had a late bus."

"Mia, agenda on my desk, for attempted class skipping", he ordered.

"But I-"

"Miss Marci, do I need to make myself clearer?", he asked, raising his voice more this time.

I got my agenda out of my purse and smacked it on his desk while he talked about percent porportions. I sat in my desk, next to a boy who flirts with every girl, but me. He's more of a brother to me.

"Nice 3rd signature, Mia", he laughed as I sat down and got settled.

"Shut up. I wasn't even skipping, I had a late bus", I whispered back.

Eric had black curly hair and to be quite honest he didn't do his hair like he cared. He always has that I-Woke-Up-Like-This-So-I-Don't-Give-Two-Shits look. Except for one piece of hair that he parts to the other side, which makes him look peculiar, but I admire how he doesn't care. I wish I could do that.

"Mia?", the teacher called. I slowly opened my eyes and unburied my head from the folds of my crossed elbows. I noticed everyone had left, and only the teacher stood above me.

"Next time, don't fall asleep in class", he slammed the agenda on my desk, "see you in detention, Ms. Marci".

I could only imagine how terribly late I would be for class. How did I not awaken myself by the sound of the loud ass bell? I would've imagined that Eric would've woken me up, or that Mr. Evans wouldn't wait until he knew I'd be late. I gathered my things and bolted like a jet out the door, not looking behind.

Okay let me just say that this was one of my first real perceptions of how to write a wattpad story. Excuse my extreme language for I was in my "say the f-word after every sentence" stage. Once I am finished with my current story I will most definitely revise this one! I do also understand that many parts are illiterate or don't make sense, pardon that, too. Many mistakes in this. Forgive me x.


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