Chapter 17

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I want to end it. Me. My life. 14 days in this hospital it's been. No one has visited me. No one fucking cares. I honestly won't end it, but if it continues I will. Im sorry and I'm a wimp, I know. I keep taking 7 horse pills a day just because I got ran over by some fucking Mazda. I miss Ashton! I haven't seen him in forever and all I really want is for him and the boys to come over and visit really! You're wondering why I haven't texted and asking him yet. I don't want him to know I'm in such pain. He thinks I'm already out of the hospital. I know I'm being cruel to myself but I'm considering texting him and telling him. I can't stand the only noise being the wall clock ticking in the back of my head.

Slowly I reached for my phone and held my finger against the home button and it unlocked. I went to Ashton's contact and texted him. 'babe, I lied.. I'm in the hospital and I'm so lonely. Please please come and visit! I miss my Ashton bug...'. And don't get me started on wanting to hug and kiss him like fucking crazy I have missed him forever and him not seeing me secretly kills me. I stared at my phone as the word 'delivered' changed to 'read' and a little ray of sunshine bloomed inside me.

Hey babe. On my way... Bringing Cal too <3

Ugh. I am so relieved. I wish he would've brought all the boys but it's okay. Rather just see Ash alone honestly but I love Calum he's like a male Beyoncé. Holly came in with some Arizona green tea and a peppermint bark stick. I munched on the peppermint bark and took a sip of my tea. I slowly glanced out the window and saw Ashton's car parked out in the parking lot. I smiled. I turned the tv off and just kept munching on the bark while I waited for Ashton and Calum to barge in any moment now. I waited and waited for those two doofuses to barge in any moment but it didn't happen.. I waited and waited for what seemed like forever but within the next hour or so, I was still in the hospital bed hopelessly staring at the door, but nothing filled the room but emptiness. Where the hell was Ashton and Cal?!

Now I was leaving a stage of emptiness and a volcano of anger filled me. He promised he would be here! He said he was on his way! 14 days I've been stuck in here and no one has fucking visited me! Not a mom. Not a brother (who by the way is the reason I'm here). Not my boyfriend. Not my boyfriends' friends. Not anyone. I'm so mad that Ashton would do this to me! His girlfriend is in the hospital and it takes him '1 hour' when in reality his apartment is like 5 minutes from the hospital I'm in!

I really want to strangle Ashton. I know it's harsh but I'm so damn pissed at my boyfriend for not showing up. I even saw his damn car! Calum would know. Maybe I could text him. I will. I picked up my phone again and scanned my finger and texted Calum.

'Hey Calum just wondering where you and Ash are.. Hurry here please!"

30 minutes later and he didn't even read it. In a car. And knowing Calum, he's ALWAYS on his phone. Wouldn't Calum answer? Usually he answers almost immediately.. Now I'm getting worried. What if they got hurt? There is a busy traffic light someone close here but that's a different route I think. No, I'm scaring myself. Ashton and Calum wouldn't get hurt like that. Besides wouldn't someone call me? Right?

I emptied the thoughts of my hurt friend and boyfriend from my brain and just decided to take a little nap and relieve myself from this stress. The doctor prescribed me with these pills I take every 6 hours to help me with my insomnia and sleep better. I fell asleep rather easy this time. I slowly closed my eyes.

I dreamt of something horrible. Something of a nightmare that I never imagine in the real world. I'm home. Not in a hospital, but home. And Ashton is on his way home, with the boys. I hear a knock at the door, and happily, I prance over to the door and open the door. I smile. But suddenly then I realize it's not Ashton, nor Luke, nor Michael, nor Calum... It was a criminal with a black ski mask. I screamed so loud.

He held a cotton round with something that made me pass out, and I wake up in the back of a trunk. I woke up sweating.. Holly came in wondering why I was sweating so much. I had to explain the story of my boyfriend and friend ditching me and then my terrible dream.

I finally got a text back from Calum. I'm so glad. It said

Hey Mia... I don't know how to tell you but...

Then he just stopped there. He didn't even finish. Then all the sudden a nurse came in the room unexpected.

"Mia, you have someone requesting your presence in the hospital", she demanded.

"What? Who?", I asked, getting out of bed, with a sharp pain.

"Ashton Irwin".

"What?!", I scream, trying to walk.

When I walk, a sharp pain pierces my side and I realize I cannot walk, and I require a wheelchair, so I get one out of the closet and roll down to the room my nurse directed me to.

There I saw Ashton in a hospital bed, with a bloody ace bandage wrapped around his head..

Calum standing in a corner, pacing fast and crying..

And a heart beat slowly dying...

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