Chapter 8

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I woke up early 4am tired and crying because I didn't want to wake up. I had all my things packed. I put on my outfit which was a simple hoodie that said "I H8 Mondays" and my normal skinny denim jeans. I put on my makeup, and stuffed a bean neck pillow for the plane in the car.

"C'mon Mia, let's go! Archibald is in the car already", my mom called.

"Ugh", I moaned, Archibald is coming with us. I hated Archibald and Archibald hated me. We adopted him like two years ago to substitute for my deceased grandfather. I swear that cats main mission is to kill me. My mom, for some reason, loves him. Archibald loves everyone but me.

"C'mon honey, you knew we were taking Archibald. Besides, Grienna would never take him in", my mom coped.

I sighed and got my things. The rest of the stuff left in the house would be sent to us. I got in the car and drove out of the driveway, for the last time.

"Oh this house had too many bad memories to miss", my mom mumbled. I acted like I couldn't hear her.

My mom did have bad memories here. It's where she was abused by my dad, but then she left him and remarried my new dad, who is technically my stepdad. Then a gang came in and almost killed us, and then there was the secret cheat that we like to avoid.

The nutshell of the secret cheat was that there used to be a family who lived here years before us. One day during the redo of the home, the construction worker undue $17k but kept it to himself. It turns out that was the will to the old family's daughter but they kind of left it behind.

"Meow", Archibald meowed, arching his back.

"Oh shut up", I shoved Archibald.

"Mia!", my mom said, looking at me through the rear view mirror, "Archibald is just a cat!".

Ugh. I knew my mom liked Archibald more than me so what's the point. I melted into my neck pillow and fell asleep.


"Mia, wake up", my mom called.

Suddenly I was surrounded in cars and I saw airplanes launch into the air. We were at the airport, and I had been asleep.

I hauled myself out of the car and grabbed my things. My mom had Archibald in her grasp, for we would take him on the plane. He had this dumb license where he could go wherever people were aloud. If you're me, you can't escape that ugly rag doll cat.

We put the luggage on the thing that transfers it to Connecticut. I always wanted to sit on it just to see where I go. Archibald shut up completely. For a nasty ugly cat, I can't debate that he's loud. He's only loud and aggressive with me.

"A-31", my mom read aloud. "Your dad will meet us there".

We began to walk over to A-31. Archibald, now was on a little leash. A cat on a leash. Archibald walked like a little mini king walking along the halls of his fortress.

"Flight 2-46, your plane is departing shortly. Flight 2-46, your plane is departing shortly", a middle aged woman's voice announced over the intercom.

We got to the desk, and showed her our tickets. She nodded her head and led us to the seats next to my dad.

"Hey, Mia", he started, "ready for our 8 hour flight?"

"Ugh", I groaned.

"Aw c'mon, Mees, lighten up. The family in a box in the sky. Think of it as... flying", my dad said.

"Oh I'm thinking of other words to describe it", I trailed off.

"Really, Mia, it's not as bad as you crack it up to be", my mom said, "it's not".

"Our plane will now begin it's departure. You will find a pack of complimentary JetGreen gum under the seat, to soothe your ears", the flight attendant announced.

I reached under my seat and pulled out a green small pack of 4 pieces of gum. I put the gum in my mouth and waited for the departure.

I found some magazines in the seats pocket. There was the magazine Seventeen, TeenPop, and BeatOfToday. I opened up the Seventeen magazine and began reading the first page.

As of today, November 23, the teen superstar, Delia Sparks, commonly known by her stage name (Illia), will be on her due date for baby Wes.

"I'm a teenager, yes. But, Jesus had his plans for me and I don't care what people label me as. My mom warned me I would be labeled as your average promiscuous teen mom, but I was so much more. Baby Wes would be worth it", says teen pop sensation.

According to accused father, Ethan Guches, he is there for her, no matter what.

"You know, raising a baby like Wes will be a challenge but I have strength in Delia to take advantage of this miracle and love Wes with all her heart", says father of Wes, Ethan Guches.

"Ugh", I groaned, flipping farther into the magazine, "no one cares about Delia and Ethan..."

"Teen Takes a Stand to Drugs", read the title of the heading.

I flipped more until an article of my favorite show, Dimensia, came up.

In the teen hit show, Dimensia, debates on whether the show benefits teens or just makes them loose their train of thought.

"You've got to understand the way the teen brain works. It's got to be balanced, like a ratio of smart to sweets", says teen educator, Sydney Hawk.

The teen show, Dimensia has been accused of the loss of over 1 million brain cells for teens among America. Ekko™ scans have estima-

And bam, I fell asleep just like that.

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