Chapter 11

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Once I found my way to Ms. Zuelseck's class, I did find a tall blonde boy named Luke, as Michael described. He sat in the back of the room, just listening as the teacher spoke Irish. She didn't even give me an introduction for Irish, just processed her other students.


Ugh, this Irish is super confusing... I only even write in this class and to be honest don't understand any of it. The whole class was jibberish but it was also a grade and Mama Liz would kill me if her son was failing Irish.
"Okay class, today we will be pairing up with a partner and practicing our dialogue!", Ms. Zuelseck announced.
All the kids herded up with someone and eventually the only kids left were me and this girl. Of course, we were paired up.

She was kinda cute, with her curly hair and her tan skin, but she was quiet. Most not be a speaker, I guess.

"Hey, I'm Luke", I said, looking down at her.

"I know", she giggled.

"Wait, what?", I asked, confusingly.

"I um", she began, "I met your friend, Michael during pre-tours and he talked all about you, Casey, and Matt".

"Casey and Matt?", I asked.

"Yea. Casey, the funny one. Matt, the dysfunctional one", she laughed.

She must mean Calum and Ashton.
Michael is the dumbest person on earth, trying to give pre-tours. He probably only flirts with girls half the time.

"You mean Calum and Ashton?", I asked, laughing.

"Oh", she started, dumbfounded. "Sorry".

"No, don't be.", I started. "So um, do you speak Irish?"

"Actually, I'm part Irish. My mom was born in Ireland and stuff".

"Yea my family's from Australia", he started, "and stuff".

She giggled. She was one of those girls who were kind of hard to resist. Like, she has that weird charm that makes guys fall in love with her. Her laugh, her smile, her face, her personality. She was just, perfect.

"So how about you accompany me to lunch with the 3 losers, Michael, Calum, and Ashton?", I asked.

"Sure", I added. "I'm new to the school anyways so-"

"Oh you're the new kid?", I asked.

"Yea", she said.

"So you don't know about 5sos?"

"5-what now?"

"5sos is Ashton, Michael, Calum, and I's band. Girls aren't too impressed with us, but we like what we do and do what we like", I said.

"I love bands! Do you ever do any gigs?", she asked.


"I mean", Luke started. He flipped his hair and I basically melted into a puddle of love. "sometimes we perform at parties and stuff".

"I love parties and stu-"

All the sudden the bell rung, interrupting me and Luke's conversation. Luke laughed and sat back at his seat. He was wearing a dark blue jacket with denim jeans and a gray t shirt with black vans that made him look really hot as he walked away.

"Don't forget to do the worksheet I assigned!", the teacher called as I walked out the door. Luke said bye as I walked to my next class which was only 7 doors down.


If this day couldn't get any worse, my fucking pencil just broke. Now I have to go to the damn pencil sharpener.

I walked over to the pencil sharpener, recklessly, when I knocked into a girl and made her drop her binder, her papers everywhere.

"I am so sorry", I apologized. I started picking up her papers and handing them to her, then I met her eyes. They were like a green color. They were beautiful. She was beautiful. She smiled, which revealed her perfectly white teeth.

"You must be Ashton", she said. I wondered how she knew my name.

"I've met Luke and Calum and they talked about you", she laughed. Fuck, her voice was hot. She sounded just like a typical teenage girl, but like ten times sexier because it was raspy yet normal and ugh.

"Oh", I said, lost in her eyes, and her voice. "What'd those bastards say?"

"Nothing bad", she laughed. She brushed her hair over her head, bringing her hair to the cutest hair I've ever seen.

Her hair was like a brown-ish and it was the perfect length, only a couple inches past her shoulders. She had plenty of freckles and was tan. She was like the dream girl you have visions about. I just had to say something nice.

"Your eyes are beautiful, you know?", I said.

"Haha, thanks, but I don't really like them", she said.

What? How do girls manage to hate the cutest things about them? I, personally, thought this girl was hot as fuck. But obviously, she didn't see what I saw. She was like perfect. I was single. I was hoping she was single, why not swing the bat when a ball gets thrown at me?

"Hey um", I started, "there's this thing at a restaurant and maybe you wanted to come with me?"

"Are you asking me out?", she asked, smiling.

"I guess so. I promise I'm not a dick-head or a thief. But I might steal your heart, if that counts as robbery", I said.

She blushed, only making her ten times cuter. I was hoping she would say yes because she was amazing.

"I don't see why not..", she laughed.


Look, I know. Shane was my boyfriend less than a month ago, and I'm a whore for saying yes.

But c'mon, Ashton was so amazing. He had messy brown hair and a smile that could light up a football field at any given moment.

My new life. A new room. A new school. A new house. A new life.

And now, a new boyfriend?

I don't mind Connecticut that much, to be honest!

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