epilogue 2

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four years later

"push, mia! push! give it all you've got!", my nurse, amber, encouraged.

ashton nervously paced the hallway outside of my room, and i saw him peeking in here and there. the white tile walls of the room only brought forth the image of a mental institute rather than a matchbox sized labor room. my contractions grew more and more with every word escaping the lips of my collective, calm doctor. i was earlier informed that the epidural i had requested went to a prioritized woman who was on the verge of passing out. the medicine held in a metal syringe was sitting on the desk in another hospital room. my only hope of reducing my excruciating pain.

"i can see her feet!", the bald doctor happily exclaimed. a sudden wave of motivation roared through me, and my pushes became more intense. i really did give my all. it was wearing me out. grunts and groans filled the room for a good hour until i heard the words that calmed my tense muscles,

"her shoulders are out. doctor libeth can take it from here", the nurse softly smiled at me. my sweat ridden body finally began relaxing. libeth gently held the baby's fragile shoulders and with a small tug, the baby was out. nurse amber collected her with a soft touch, escorting my child out of the room.

the room that was spinning for thirty hours began settling down, and ashton no longer peeked in the window. the nurse returned into the room and kneeled next to me,

"mrs. irwin, i understand you've had your fair share of pushing for the day, but we just need one more to remove the placenta".

i oblige and induce a soft push to my body, and an odd slippery feeling emerges but quickly disperses. amber nods in approval and returns back to the nursery.

a faint light shines through the sheer curtains placed before the large window. the door creaks open, and a happy nurse greets me with kind eyes.

"congratsulations, mrs. irwin", she smiles and hands me what i endured hours of pain for. dabbing a cloth against the bottoms of her eyes, she watches in awe.

she's here.

i can't see clearly, but she's beautiful. before i know it, tears are falling from my eyes.

it was always typical for a young girl to fantasize over being a mother. i never imagined that for myself. at the age of nineteen, i struggled keeping myself intact and the idea of caring after someone completely dependent on me never crossed my mind. when i was with ashton, he mentioned how odd my lack of motherhood curiosity was. however, while sitting out on the balcony at one in the morning, the thought of ashton cradling a little boy or girl wouldn't leave my head. eleven months later, i held the key to my dreams. this little girl would completely transform my life.

it's no lie i grew up a selfish child. for a majority of my childhood, everything was about me, and that gradually sprouted into my adulthood. but now that i hold my future in my arms, i realize i am willing to put myself second, and her first. i am determined to offer my child everything i was unable to be provided with at my age. i want to go into depths on the dangers of self hatred. i want her to know the things i didn't- the things that would've saved me ages of crying and hurt. i don't want to mess this one opportunity up. for such a small amount of time, i have developed a relationship far beyond words with my child- my baby.

not long after, ashton is welcomed into the room once the area around me has been cleaned and the placenta has been removed. god forbid it still be there when ashton arrives. the thought makes me laugh, and a small chuckle fills the silent room. his eyes dart to her. the girl who will change our lives forever. when i showed him the small stick with green lines on it, he went on about how he wouldn't be fit for a dad. he had so much self doubt in him, and he was certain he would screw up. he and i shared the same worries. but just looking at how he is in complete and utter shock and adoration lets me know-

he's going to be the perfect father.

* * *

after a bit of bickering and playful digs, we agreed upon the name olivia. a couple weeks after we brought her home, she began coming to life. the first time she opened her bright green eyes, i knew she had taken after her father. hardly-noticeable light brown curly hairs began growing at the top of her head. her eyes were wide and doe like, similar to mine.

ten years later


"that's how you and daddy met?", olivia asked in awe, looking admiringly up at mia.

"yes", she simply replies, taking olivia's hand in hers. "i want you to know how much your dad and i love you. and we will never stop loving you. you are our world."

olivia wraps her small arms around mia and mia leans in, returning the favor. olivia's light brown hair has grown to become a dirty blonde, and i could tell mia was upset that olivia took most of my physical traits. but i can tell olivia has mia's personality. so quiet at times, but once you go further, past her eyes, you meet a world that you can't leave. i look into olivia's eyes and see the same sparkle i saw when i first met mia. raising a child is a challenge- beyond that, actually.

luke and emily managed to have their own child, a boy slightly older than olivia named connor. the two got along exceptionally well, and i loved that luke and i stayed in touch. calum met a lovely girl from brooklyn and decided to move there with her to start a new life far from the city he grew up in. i havent heard much from him, but i hope hes doing well.

everything worked out, i think as i look back at the two people who keep me going. when mia thought it was the end- that it couldnt possibly get better- it did.

life is an unfair game all of us must play. it has ups and downs, let it be said. but no matter what may lie ahead, something good always comes out of it. olivia gives her mom a good night kiss on the cheek and mia turns off the light blue lamp before tucking her in bed. she notices me adoring the two of them, and giggles before pulling me in for a hug. i plant a kiss on her forehead and bury my head in her neck.

"i love you, mia."

"i love you too, ashton."

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