I quickly started a new batch of muffins that Geno wanted me to bake.
He really seemed stressed... Maybe I should take him out for a drink... Yes, tomorrow we still have work, so it won't be anything too much. Just something to take the edge off.
After a while, he came into the back, most likely for a short break. If not now, then never...
"Hey, After." I watched as he looked at me with that intense, dead eye. What happened to him to make him like this? "Want to hit a bar or something after work? Just a little drink."
He bit his lip and then looked down. He wasn't sure...
"I guess... If it's not too much..." He fiddled with his hands abit, looking nervous.
"Have you never had alcohol before?" I raised an eyebrow, specially when he blushed embarrassingly.
Slowly, he shook his head.
"I've never had a reason to try... And I didn't like what I saw from the affects everyone else was going through..."
I frowned lightly, moving around the table to him.
"Don't worry, we won't have too much and we won't stay for too long." I lighlty patted his head.
He moved away, lighlty glaring at me.
"Whatever..." He muttered softly.
I furrowed my brows at him. Why does he pull away whenever he just starts warm up to me? Does... Does it have to do with his nightmares?
"So, break time?" I asked, looking around the room cautiously.
"Yeah..." He walked over towards a small mini fridge. "Want anything? I have regular sandwiches and soda along with some left over spaghetti from two nights ago."
I shook my head at him, chuckling.
"I'll just have a soda."
He gave a short hum, tossing a red color can over his shoulder.
I swiftly grabbed it out of the air, jerkin my head back some from how close the can came towards me. What the-
"Where'd you learn to throw like that?" I called out, looking down at the red can.
After looked up at me, looking confused for a moment. When I raised the can, his mouth opened in an O.
"Right... Just something that I picked up when I was younger... It helps when you have a good memory too..." He mumbled.
"So, you're telling me," My eyebrow was certainly raised at this point. "that you can just simply toss anything behind you and aim it perfectly at whoever you want, because you remembered where they were last standing?"
A blue blush formed on his cheeks as he nodded sheepishly.
I chuckled to myself. He actually would make a fine Demon...
"Alright, whatever you say, G." I popped the tab and instantly chugged it.
He glared at me for a moment, before starting to munch on some sandwich, sipping a Green Apple soda.
"We'll go to a near by bar straight after work..." He mumbled, looking away from me.
My lips twitched in a smirk, nodding.
This'll be good.

Hell's Queen
Fiksi PenggemarBeing an atheist has its perks. Mostly that you don't give a damn about anything, but what you think. It though can make it hard to believe that something like the Devil truely exsists. It also doesn't help that this atheist lives with four religou...