Chapter Three - Tea and Maxcuits

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Aren't I punny? Wasn't that a great yolk I just cracked? Are you egg-cited to read on after these weak puns?


"We can! Yay!" He said, running around the room and clapping his hands. He slammed into the table but just stood up, dusted himself off and continued like nothing had happened. I rolled my eyes. Is he twenty two, or just two? We'll never know.

"We'll stay here and. . . hold down the fort," said George. I threw my head back and laughed. Did I say laughed? I meant cackled like an evil Queen.

"Nice try guys, but it ain't gonna happen. If I'm going, I'm dragging you with me," I said. They grumbled a bit, but didn't put up much resistance otherwise. Oliver can be a bit of a handful at times. That was one thing we had in common. Other than the whole siblings thing.

"Ready to go?" Asked Oliver. We all chorused a grudging yes. I jumped over the table and grabbed his arm. George and Nick scooched forward. Nick grabbed his other arm. George mumbled something about probably dying young before Oliver grabbed his arm.

The scenery around us changed. The gray walls, long mahogany table and black chairs all vanished. George mumbled something about going to puke. I frowned. I liked those chairs. Oh, right, George said he was going to puke. Cool. But I loved those fricking chairs!

Our new surroundings were very dark and very small. We were all cramped in together, so I shoved dominance by shoving my brothers aside so I could be next to the door. I made a ball of blue light hover in my palm. We were in a cupboard under someone's stairs. And George's face was the funniest thing I've seen in the last century. He looked like a green, constipated duck.

"Mom! I'm going out!" Came a girl's muffled yell. I froze. She started walking to where we were hiding with someone else walking behind her. Oh noes. She's going to freak out and call the police and then it'll be Spain in 1861 all over again.

The doors were thrown open by a pretty redhead girl. There was an attractive boy standing behind her, and she was laughing at something he said. I smiled. It was a lovely scene. I didn't want to interrupt. 

"Oh look, more cupboard people," said the girl once she was done laughing and noticed us. What did she mean, more cupboard people? Were we not the first random people to show up in her cupboard?

This could be fun.

"Um. . . hi. I'm Aveline," I said, offering her my hand to shake.

"Hey, I'm Tea." She said, shaking my hand. Huh. She didn't wince at it's coldness. Odd.

"The three idiots behind me are my brothers, George, Oliver and Nick. George is the green, constipated duck, Nick's the freakishly tall one, and Oliver is the ugly depressed one." Oliver looked offended. We were all very attractive, even by vampire standards.

"The dumbass behind me is Max." She said, talking about the boy behind her. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Tea, I'm the dumb one. It's not like you put a fork in a toaster or anything."

"That was one time when I lost the toast tongs!" These two. . .

"Just like that time a piece of ceiling came off in your bathroom and you mistook a piece of machinery for a dead tarantula and named it Billy was only one time?"

"Hey! He can hear you! He didn't mean it, Billy!" She yelled. (A/N: Yes, I have done both of those things. The toaster tongs were packed and the bread was stuck, and my new house is undergoing renovations and there's a hole in my en suite's ceiling. So now I have a pet piece of machinery named Billy.)

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