Chapter One - Couches and Sleeping and Disney, Oh My!

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So after that rude Prologue, let's get into my day that day.

I was sitting on the couch watching Disney movies,

Stop being so mean, Charli! 

At the time I'm telling you about, I was watching Snow White.

Charli was sitting next to me (and by that I mean I was lying down and she was sitting on my legs) on the gray reclining couch, when I suddenly wanted popcorn. Yes, I got the munchies. Sue me. So I didn't get up and go to the kitchen. I conjured buttered popcorn out of thin air. It was buttered exactly evenly, and just the right amount.

Ah, the perks of being the most powerful vampire in existence.

The popcorn floated over to me. I grabbed a handful and munched on it, but it was missing something. Oh right, M&Ms! A packet of peanut M&Ms popped out of thin air and landed in the bowl.

I wrestled the thing open and threw it's entire contents in. Much better, I thought. grabbing a handful and popping it in my mouth. Charli wrestled the bowl from me and started eating it herself. I pouted. No fair!

Charli's phone started to ring. I moved it off the coffee table and into my waiting hand.

"Hello, this is Charli's phone." I said with a huge grin. "My name is Aveline and I'll be your message bearer today unless I don't want to. What is you message for Mz. Iforgotherlastname?"

"Avey! Give that the hell back!" Hissed Charli. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Oh! Hey Aveline." Came a somewhat let down voice. I can't imagine why. I'm fabulous.

"Henri!" Henri is Charli's girlfriend. Henri is short for Henrietta, just like Charli is short for Charlotte. They're such a cute couple together I need a basin to puke in when I'm around them. They've been dating for five years now.

"Would you mind passing the phone back to Charli? I need to talk to her," that was why she sounded let down when I answered the phone. She had wanted to talk to Charli. Too bad, so sad. 

"Sorry, but I stole this phone fair and square, except for the fact I used my power because I was too lazy to move." I sat up. "Charli, get your heavy arse off my legs, I want to stand up." Charli got off my legs grumbling something about her phone. I stood up and stretched. My legs would have hurt, but I'm a vampire, so stuff like that doesn't really apply to me.

"Avey? I think I just had an auditory hallucination. Did you just say you wanted to stand up?" Teased Henri. I huffed. I'm only lazy on alternate millenia!

"Yes I did, now what's your message?" I could practically hear her smile through the phone.

"Since you're obviously not going to give my poor girlfriend her phone, I guess I have to tell you. I was wondering if Charli wanted to move in together?" I gasped. Charli had better not say no. I mean, I'd have to put up with those two snogging all the time and being all lovey-dovey, but Henri is really fun to be around when she's not doing aforementioned 'activities' with Charli. 

"That would be awesome! You could come and live here since it's a freaking mansion and it would be like a permanent sleepover!" I squealed. Not that she would need or even want her own room, but she might need somewhere to put spare clothes and/or furniture.

" What did she say?" Asked Charli, somewhat worried. Understandable. Usually when I freak out like that it means something bad is going to happen or already has happened. I took the phone away from my face.

"Charli, can Henri move in? Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase? I'll owe you," I begged. Charli's face lit up.

"She wants to move in together?"

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