Chapter Thirteen - Losing Battle

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Still Olivienne's POV. 


Hi. Me again. The real me. The one fighting for control inside of my own body.

After destroying his life, I was in pain. Emotional pain. I thought it would go away if I gave my evil side control. It didn't. And now I'm trapped in my own body.


Nothing better.

Worst part? No one caught on for a month. I was trapped in my own body for a month while my evil side walked around, doing whatever she wanted.

Then Auntie caught on. She stopped calling me chickadee. When she told Dad, Uncle George and Uncle Nick, I wrestled her for control. I took over for two hours. I told them what had happened, and told Auntie to lock me up and look for a way to give me back control.

I had just stepped in the cell when she took back control.

Mum had paused me. Mum can pause objects for up to one day. 

I went one day without moving.

Without her moving.

And now I'm fighting her for control.

It's a losing battle for the most part.

But I did have some victories.

I saved my Mum,but she managed to knock her unconscious. 

while I was going back for Elsie, she won the battle for control. I fought her while she was taking Henri, but I lost.

I'm fighting right now.

"N-no," my evil side stuttered, doubled over in pain. "You can't take control back now, not now!" 

"Olive?" Said Elsie. I screamed, and took control.

"Hey," I said, exhausted. "I'm the real Olivienne. The one you've been captured by isn't me. Nice to see you, Henri. Nice to properly meet you, lil' sis." Elsie stood up shakily.

"You're a good guy now?"

"I've always been a good guy," I explained. "My evil side was in control. I'm your real sister." Elsie rushed up to me and enveloped me in a huge hug.

"I have a sister," she said, tears running down her face. "She doesn't really hate me."

"Shh," I said. "Don't cry. Auntie Avey is looking for a solution to my problem. She has an evil side too." Elsie looked up at me. "But that isn't the issue right now. I have a plan, but you're going to have to listen closely and do exactly as I say, alright?" They both nodded their heads.

"We can do it," said my little sister, determination in her eyes. I smiled.

"Wonderful. So here's the plan. . . 


Aveline's POV

"Shut up!" I yelled. Oliver looked at me weirdly.

"I wasn't saying anything," he said. He was dropping me off. And by dropping me off, I mean he was walking with me until I would eventually snap and tell him to leave.

"Not you, this idiot," I said, pointing to my brain. "She thinks it'a a good idea to just start a fire and smoke her out. But she also thought it was a good idea to start the American revolution once when she was caffeinated, so I don't exactly trust her." Heh. Funny story, that. 

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