Chapter Fifteen - Memories

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Liza I'm doing this to shut you up.

Lel kidding thanks for the support.

Oliver made a sound best described as 'ajsfgl' as he toppled over. Usually I don't foul play during fights, but as I was snuck up on, I had used a little magic to make my kick equal to a horse's. Oops. This could take a while.

He was rolling in the mud in pain for about five minutes before he could finally talk. I rolled my eyes. He was so hamming it up.

"I," wheeze, "was gonna tell you," wheeze, "I have to go." Oliver wheezed out.

"Cool." I said. "Now I don't have to listen to you whingeing anymore." He looked so done with me. I just shrugged and continued down the road.

"Hey," He said. "Seriously," wheeze, "be careful. Olivienne is dangerous."

"I know," I said, suddenly solemn. "But do we really have a choice?" He sighed a shook his head. And wheezed. The dreary atmosphere broke into laughter at that.

Oliver left, and I stood alone on the muddy road, staring blankly ahead of me and wondering what was going to happen. The house was close by. Could one kill an immortal? I wondered. How odd would that be. Centuries of life, only to be ended by family. I should take the time before to reflect on my favourite memories. Like when I started that mutiny in the Royal Navy. I grinned.

I had been dressed up as a boy, and staying that way was getting tiring. I had been out for a drink or twelve, after having lost a girlfriend to a man, and had passed out drunk. The Royal Navy was known to kidnap those passed out drunk, and I was unfortunate that night in that my brothers had left me alone as a prank. I woke up on a boat with no way to get back. Well, most of the crew had been taken in a similar fashion, so we stole half of the booze on the ship, lured the rest of the crew over, and took over the boat.

I hadn't wanted to stay, so I debarked on a desert island and contacted my brothers to come get me. I had accidently made them pirates, and they joined the crews of pirates such as Blackbeard. He was nice enough to his crew, but he had a tendency to kill them quite quickly. He once killed the man who was my best friend on that ship, and I, in a drunken rage, started a war with Blackbeard and helped the Royal Navy get him. Fun times.

And the first commercial airplane was a splendid thing. They served real food in a wonderful way. The bombing of London was horrible, and Spanish Influenza was terrible. I had achieved my degree in medicine five years before, and while I couldn't save everyone with magic, I had tried to prioritize the young and those with families. I felt awful about choosing who would live and who would die, but it had to be done.

I had seen many, many horrific things. Perhaps it was time to go.

I close my eyes and thought of ancient times. The library at Alexandria in all its glory. The marble of Greece shining in the sun. And Rome. Dear, dear Rome. I had loved it so.

I sighed, and walked down the path. The house came into sight. Death was only another phase of life, was it not? I had spent far too much time in this phase. There was someone I wanted to see. . .

Elsie came running out of the house and jumped into my arms. Charli was running after her.

"AVELINE! RUN!" She screamed.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Where's Dad?" Asked Elsie.

"He just left," I replied. "I'll call for him." I got out my phone and called him. He picked up right away. "Get here right now," I said, and hung up. Oliver appeared in front of me.

"ELSIE!" He yelled. "Your Mother and I have been worried out of our minds!" He hugged her, clearly not wanting to let go ever again, just in case. Charli reached where we were standing as a roar came from the house.

"Oliver," I said. "Get them out of here. I'll try and stop her. If I die, know it was to stop her. And I'm sorry. I'll try not to kill her, or me. I don't want you to lose anyone." He nodded, grabbing Charli's wrist and disappearing.

Olivienne came bursting out of the house and right in front of me.

"Hello, auntie," she said. "How lovely to see you."

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