Chapter Four - Suspicions

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Whenever I have guests over, I'm going to walk into my bathroom, say hi to Billy, turn around and look at them and say 'Aren't you going to say hi to Billy?' and grin creepily.


"Blanche," she muttered. "My name is Blanche." I noticed she had a bit of a blocked nose, and she was sniffling a bit. Odd for a vampire. And yes, she was a vampire. It's not hard to tell.

"Nice to meet you, Blanche." Said Max, ever so softly. "Do you know what happened here?" I rolled my eyes. She was stuffed into the wall, I doubt she saw much.

"This strange man showed up at my house and threw me in here. He locked me behind this wall and came back later with two girls. There was a woman behind him he called B. The little girl had platinum blonde hair. They called someone. Then they face timed someone and a couch appeared out of nowhere. The woman went pale and said they had to move. The man created a portal and everything except me and the mud was sucked in. The man came back, grabbed my wrist and shoved me in there." 

B must be the mastermind. After all, she's the one who spoke to me and wrote the note.

"Where were you standing?" Asked Tea.

"In the corner opposite the stairs." She answered. Smart choice. She couldn't've ran away without crossing the whole room, increasing the probability of her being caught.

"Blanche, do you know what these people looked like?" Fat chance.

"The man and woman who kidnapped me had hoods over their faces, so I don't know what they look like. The other two. . . I think someone called them Emmy and Elsie over face time?"

"That was me," I piped up.

"So you're the little girl's aunt?" She asked.

"Yes. My brother" I pointed to Oliver. "Is her Dad, and the other woman is his wife." 

"Why don't we walk to the surface? Someone might catch a cold," said Oliver abruptly. He was up to something. 

"Why don't you three go on ahead? Oliver and I will follow after a bit. We want to check for any clues we might have missed," I said.

"Alright. We'll see you up in a bit," said Max. "Though I doubt I missed anything." Tea scoffed.

I started looking around for clues and Oliver followed suit. After a minute I straightened up.

"Okay, spill," I said. I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about. He sighed before saying:

"Blanche has a cold. That means she's probably been either staying up late or spending a lot of time down there. I don't think she's telling us everything. And didn't you say the woman on the phone had a cold?" 

He did have a point, but he could find evidence in just about anything if he believed in it hard enough.

"Olly, more than one person in the world can have a cold at the same time. And she might have lived in a cold house before she was kidnapped. And maybe she's in college for a new degree, and that's why she's staying up late." I had gone to college several times for different degrees. Maybe she was doing the same, or just lived somewhere cold.

"Still. I don't trust this Blanche girl."

"She does have the same name as my ex's psychopath sister, but I'm sure it's nothing."

"Did you ever see your ex's sister's face?"

"No," I replied reluctantly. He had wanted to protect me from her. We had broken up when she started texting me after somehow getting my number. 

"But who would hole themself in that miserable spot on purpose?" He huffed. I had a point and he knew it. The hole was tiny, dark, filthy dirty and filled with spiders and cobwebs.

"You've got to admit, it doesn't look great."

"Maybe not, but Blanche seems a little traumatized. Don't tell her any of this, okay?" I didn't want my brother to accuse her of something she didn't do after being kidnapped, shoved into a hole, and left to rot in the dark.

"Fine," he grumbled. I could tell he didn't really like any of this. And to be honest, it didn't really look all that good.

We walked in silence for the minute it took us to get to the top. We teleported most of the way, but didn't want to scare anyone by teleporting right up there.

"Geo? Nick? Did anything bad happen when we were gone?" I asked. We had gotten to the top just as Tea, Max and Blanche had arrived. 

"Nothing apocalyptic, no." Said George. I smirked. He was covering something up.

"Alright, but I will find out," I warned. He looked at his feet.

"Who's this?" Asked Nick, motioning towards Blanche.

"This is Blanche. She was kidnapped by the same people who kidnapped Emmy and Elsie. They shoved her into a spot behind the wall. We found her." I said.

"Hello," whispered Blanche. She walked forward on unsteady legs to shake George and Nick's outstretched hands. Just before she reached them, she slipped in the mud and started to fall, managing to latch onto George's waist and pulling him down with her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," she said, looking up at my brother after they had both gotten themselves out of the mud.

"No problem. And. . ." said George, a cheeky grin on his face. Oh no no no no no. He wouldn't.

"Don't you dare," I warned, my face warning him not to do it. He wouldn't, right? Who am I kidding. Of course he would.

"Falling for me already?" He said. And there you have it, ladies and gents. What I was hoping he wouldn't say. I lunged at him and tackled him back into the mud.

"You had to go for the most cliché line of all time," I growled.

"Yup," He said, not popping the P. 

"Dude. If you like a girl, A), no flirting in front of me, and B), at least be original!" I said, getting up. 

"Oh frick, I'm covered in mud!" I whined. "These were my favorite pants!" George just stared.

"You can get rid of it with your power," he said, sick of my BS. "And maybe you could clean me and Blanche off while you're at it?"

"Ooooh, right." I said, making the mud fly off Blanche and I and back onto the ground. She stared at me, wonder filling her eyes. Oh right, she didn't know. Whoops.

"Hey!" Complained George. "How come you didn't clean me?!"

"You don't deserve it, Mr. Cheesy-unoriginal-pick-up-line," I said, huffy and wanting to wind him up.

"Alright, I'm sorry." He said. I smirked and the mud disappeared off his clothes. Yet another win for Aveline. Hah!

"Just don't-" I heard a quiet wet shlurping sound from behind me. I turned around, and lying unconscious on the ground was. . . 


Aren't I awful? Don't you hate me? Who do you think is on the ground?

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