Chapter Two - Avey Freaks Out

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"Oliver? What the actual freaking hell?" I walked over to where Oliver was lying in a crumpled heap on the white carpeted floor. Nick and George looked at their feet and immediately my head snapped up. They knew something I didn't.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked them in my 'tell me or you are so dead' tone. Being the youngest isn't always easy, so I'm glad my Mom taught me that tone. It's been one of my most useful tools, definitely better than Algebra.

"Oliver may have done something he shouldn't have," said Nick, looking like he was waiting for the earth to crack open and swallow him up. The Tone tends to do that.

"What did he do?" I asked, my voice calm but with an edge of danger. The gray part of my eyes had gone flat black like they do when my control is running out asnd the bad side of my magic is about to come out.

"He may have linked himself with Emily," said George timidly. He had seen me like this before and let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. It never was.

"What do you mean by 'linked'?" I asked. I knew exactly what they meant. I just hoped I was wrong. If I wasn't, let's just say Oliver would regret it. . . 

"Um. . . he linked himself with Emily so that if they don't see each other for more than a month, they both fall into comas, and after two months, they. . . die." Explained Nick. So that's how he knew she wasn't on the planet. People who are linked can give a vague idea of where the other person is after much concentration. I took a deep breath. 

"Nick, George, get out now. This isn't going to be pretty." My eyes were turning black. After black came crimson, and after crimson came. . . nothing good. Nick and George zipped out of the room.

"Wha. . . what happened?" Asked Oliver groggily, stirring in his spot on the floor.. My eyes were a burning crimson. He gulped. I smiled wickedly.

"So, Nick and Geo told me you linked yourself with Emmy." He stood up and started walking slowly backwards. I matched his steps perfectly.

"Whaaaaaat?" He said falsely incredulous. Then he looked at my face again. "Yes I did. So what?" A growl erupted from the depths of my chest. He walked into a corner. A wicked glint entered my crimson eyes. Now I had him cornered, there was no escape.He looked like he wanted to die when he realised.

"You do realise, that because of your poor decision making skills, I now have only one month to find Emmy and Elsie?" He took a deep breath, and decided to try bravado to defuse my temper. How did I know? This has happened before. He makes a lot of stupid decisions. Sometimes I have trouble believing he's older than me.

"You know what they say, you do stupid things when you're in love." He chuckled nervously. I mentally rolled my eyes. Really? He's trying that? Stupid.

"Funny. I've dated five boys in my lifetime, and loved every one of them, and yet I've never done something at this level of stupidity."

"You didn't marry them. You didn't have a child with one of them. You didn't spend 100 years with one of them." Only one of them was a vampire.

"True, I didn't, because they were human, and died. I would've married Marco, but his sister Blanche is a total psychopath. And even if I had gotten married, I wouldn't have linked myself with him." 

Blanche had tried to kill me and marry George after I had broken up with her brother. The reason we had to break up was because of her doing some. . . stuff. . . normally she would have been executed, but he managed to save her life.

I wouldn't've bothered.

"Um. . . I. . . well. . ." Stuttered Oliver. 

"Um. . . I. . . well. . . don't care." I mimicked. My whole body started glowing crimson and I levitated in the air. The library erupted in flames. White-hot flames. The floor cracked, opening jagged black holes filled with shrieking, glowing white demons. They exited the holes and flew around the room, shrieking with devilish pleasure. 

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