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Hermione and Ginny were sitting at the Gryffindor table With Harry and Ron.They had just came back to Hogwarts and were clad to be home.Hermione and Ron broke up during the summer, realizing that they weren't meant for each other and Ginny was dating Harry.The group talked for a bit before the Doors Opened.McGonagall Came in with the new first years.They all got quick flash backs of when they were first here.McGonagall got the Sorting hat and the stool.She placed the hat on the stool and it sang it's song.After it was finished McGonagall Called up students.In the end Each house had gotten 10 students.Dumbledore clapped his hands and The food appeared.They ate and talked for an hour before Dumbledore stood up. "Students,May I have your attention"He spoke.Everyone quieted down and looked towards him. "The Quidditch captains this year are David Bradley,Ethan Humberstone,Ginny Weasley,And Draco Malfoy."He said.The four houses clapped and Dumbledore spoke again. "You May Begin Tryouts after this week."He said and Sat back down. "Congratulations Gin"Hermione Smiled At Her Friend.Harry kissed Ginny and Ron Glared At him, "that's disgusting"Ron crinkled his nose.Hermione elbowed him in the ribs and Glared at him "Let them be"She snapped.Ron rolled his eyes and grabbed 2 chicken legs. "That's Disgusting"Ginny said when Ron took 2 big bites from both.after they ate they Went to the Gryffindor commen room. "Password?"The fat lady asked. "We didn't Get the password"Ginny Said. "Well then I can't let you in"She Said. "I'll go get the Password from McGonagall"Hermione Said.She Left And went towards McGonagall's office.She knocked on the door but no one answered.

She waited there for a bit before she heard foot steps.She looked down the hallway and Saw 2 people emerge from the shadows.It was none other then Draco Malfoy And Blaise Zabini. "What are you doing here"Draco snapped. "None of your Business Malfoy"Hermione snapped back at him.Before Draco could speak again McGonagall Came. "You're here for you're Passwords I suppose?"She Asked When She Saw Them.They Nodded And She gave them each a sheet of paper.Hermione's had Godric on it And Draco's Had Salazar on it.McGonagall went in her office and Hermione and Draco Glared at each other before going to their house commen rooms. "Draco,"Blaise said. "What?" Draco Said. "The Apology"He said. "You can't expect me to apologize to a Gryffindor Mate"Draco Said. "Draco,She's not just a Gryffindor.She's One Of the few that Caught your eye"Blaise Said. "She's still a Gryffindor"Draco said. "A Gryffindor who caught the eye of the Slytherin Prince"Blaise corrected. "No"Draco said "You know what I'm starting to see"Blaise Said "What?"Draco Asked. "It's like you and Granger are dating,You're angry at each other and You don't want to apologize first"Blaise Said.Draco stopped walking. Blaise Looked At him "What"Blaise Said. "You are a lunatic"Draco said and Glared at him "you want it to be true though"Blaise Smirked And walked away. "Go apologize" Blaise said over his shoulder.Draco stood there for a second. If you want to be with her,go do it Draco said to himself. He turned around and saw Hermione Half-way Down the long Hall way.He took a deep Breath and went after her.

Hermione Heard foot steps behind her and Turned to see Draco behind her. "What do you want" She Asked roughly. "I want to apologize Granger"Draco said.Hermione was taken a back. "What" She Said. "You heard me Clearly Granger"Draco Said. "I apologize for the way I've treated you the last 8 years."He said.Hermione stood there in shock.It took her awhile to process what he just said. "Thank you Malfoy"She Said.She was about to walk off but he grabbed her arm. "I really am Sorry Granger"He said.Hermione stared at him for a bit Making sure that he really was. And by his eyes,She could tell he was. "I appreciate it"Hermione Said After a bit.He let go of Her arm and they just stared at each other for a bit.Brown to Grey and Grey to Brown.Hermione broke eye contact and muttered a small thank you.He smiled to himself as she walked off.

"How'd It go?"Blaise Asked as Draco and Him entered the commen room with The Slytherins. "Alright"Draco shrugged. "What went alright"Theodore Nott Asked as He Came to them.They went up to their dorm before Blaise told him."Draco apologized to Granger"Blaise Said "did she think It was a trap?"Theo Asked. "Didn't seem like it"Draco Said. "That's a Good start"Theo Said. "To what?"Draco Said. "That's how a relationship will start Draco,You two are getting out of the enemy zone.When you're out of it,you will become friends then You'll ask her out"Blaise Said. "You make it sound simple"Draco groaned. "Well if you want it to work out you need patience" Theo Said. "And she got out of a relationship last month mate,it was all over the Daily Prophet" Blaise agreed.Draco lied down in his bed, "we'll talk about this later"Draco said.Blaise And Theo  rolled their eyes as they lied down in their own beds. "Night mate"Blaise Said.

Hermione walked back to the Gryffindor commen room while thinking of what just happened. "He apologized "Hermione thought.She saw Her Friends And the other Gryffindors waiting. "What took you so long"Ginny Asked. "McGonagall wasn't in her office"Hermione Said.She went to the Portrait and told them the Password. "Godric"Hermione Said And The Portrait Opened. Hermione went into the commen room and said good night to Harry,Ginny and Ron before she went up the stairs.She entered her dorm and sat on her bed. "Are you Ok?"Ginny Asked as she Came in. "What'd you mean?"Hermione Asked. "You seem a bit off"Ginny said.Ginny sat on her own bed and Hermione sighed. "Ginny do you believe that people can change for the better"She Asked. "Ya,everyone deserves a second chance"Ginny said. "Well...."Hermione drifted off "spill it"Ginny said. "When I went to get the password from McGonagall I Saw Malfoy There" Hermione Said. "Did he do something to you"Ginny Asked as She stood fast. "No,No"Hermione Said And Ginny sat down. "What happened Then?"Ginny Asked. "After I got the password,I was coming back here,But he stopped me"Hermione Said.Ginny gave her a confused look. "He apologized to me Ginny"Hermione Said.A shocked expression spread on Ginny's face. "He apologized?"Ginny repeated.Hermione Nodded. "That's surprising"Ginny muttered after a while. "I know"Hermione Said. "What did you say to him"Ginny Asked "I told him thank you and that I appreciate it" Hermione Said. "What happened Then"Ginny Asked. "We..stood there for a few seconds.." Hermione Said as She fidgeted with her fingers.A Small Grin spread on Ginny's face. "Just staring at each other?"Ginny Asked.Hermione Nodded. "You didn't say anything at all"Ginny Asked. "No"Hermione shook her head. "Did he say anything"Ginny asked before lying down. "No,he didn't even look annoyed"Hermione Said as She lied down too.Ginny thought for a bit. "He may like you"Ginny suggested. "No,Of course not.He's Malfoy"Hermione Said And Shook Her Head. They stayed silent for a bit before Hermione spoke.  "Don't tell Harry or Ron about any of this,Ginny. They'll make a big deal out of it"Hermione Said. "My lips are sealed."Ginny said. "Night Ginny" "Night Hermione."

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