I'll Look After You

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"She collapsed on the street-I don't know who she is I just called 911-" A girl said quickly, stumbling over her words. "Alex you look like you just saw a ghost. What's the matter?" Meredith asked as she assessed the girl. "Alex?" The patient frowned. "You know him? Alex do you know this girl?" "That's my sister." He said in shock. "What are you doing here? What happened?" "You heard the woman, I collapsed." "Why? Where's Mom?" "Psych again." She said pulling the blood pressure cuff off her arm. "Hey!" Meredith caught it as it flew off. "I need to check your blood pressure." "I'm good, I'm awake now and I'm fine. I need to get to my Mom, she'll be wondering why I'm not there yet." "No, you're not going anywhere Mia, and you're putting that back on. Now." "I'm fine Alex." The teen growled. "You clearly aren't fine if you collapsed on the street. What happened?" "I just got dehydrated I guess." "Why did you stop calling?" "Mom got hard to handle." Mia sighed as she reluctantly allowed the woman to finally take her blood pressure. "Who's the chick?" "The chick is Dr Grey. She's my friend." "You have friends now? Wow." She teased. "Shut up." He rolled his eyes. "Ow! Excuse me! That's my finger you're stabbing there." "She's taking your blood sugar don't be so dramatic." "You're blood sugar is low, you need something to eat and drink. That's probably why you collapsed." "You look stick thin, have you been eating?" Mia rolled her eyes. "Look Alex I'm okay, it's my job to look out for Mom." "It's my job to look out for you." Mia groaned. "Why is it now you wanna be a big brother?" "Because you're a dumb little sister, you never look after yourself." "I can handle myself." "Really?" "Really." "She really is your sister." Meredith chuckled. "Well I don't believe you." Alex said, ignoring his friend's comment. "That's your choice." "Do you have to be so stubborn?" "I had a good teacher." Mia retorted. "Chill out both of you!" Jo came over. "You two are disturbing the other patients." "Sorry, my sister can be an ass." "Hey wonder where I learned that." Mia rolled her eyes. "You never told me you had a sister." "Who are you? His girlfriend?" "His fiancé actually." Mia raised her eyebrows and smirked. "Cool. When's the wedding? Am I invited?" "Of course, you're Alex's sister. I'm sorry we haven't met before. I'm Jo." She reached out her hand. "I'm Mia." The girl shook the doctor's hand. "So when do I get outta here?" "When you get your blood sugar up. Babe can you go and grab her a soda and a chocolate bar from one of the vending machines?" Alex dug into his pocket and pulled out some change. "Sure." "So Mom's in psych, where are you staying?" Alex sat on the hospital bed. "At home, duh." "By yourself?" "All on my lonesome." Mia quipped. "Well not anymore, you're moving in with me and Jo, no arguments." "Jo and I." Mia corrected him. "Such a smartass." "Says the doctor." Mia kicked him lightly. Alex chuckled. "It's good to see you kid." Mia smiled at his soft side and leaned over to hug him. "I missed you Alex." "I missed you too Mia."

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