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Knock Knock. "I told you to leave me alone Alex!" Jo shouted at the locked bathroom door for what felt like and probably was the hundredth time, he was relentless. "It's not Alex, it's Meredith." The brunette was hesitant to reply. "Jo please open the door." No response. "Alex told me what happened." Jo scoffed. Great. Thanks Alex. "Don't be mad at him okay, he was worried about you, I made him tell me." There was a short pause. "Look I know how you feel, it happened to me too, I understand." Meredith was close to getting the door open, she could feel it. "Alex isn't here, he's at the hospital, it's just us." "I don't wanna talk about it." Jo said meekly. "We don't have to talk about it, we can just sit in silence if you want to. I know how lonely it feels, I know how much it hurts. Come on Jo I have you, please." Click. Meredith breathed a sigh of relief, opening the door and closing it behind her. She finally looked at Jo, her red puffy eyes, her tear stained cheeks, her body curled into a ball; she looked so timid, which was completely unlike her. Meredith sighed and sat next to her against the bath, taking one of Jo's hands and squeezing it. She felt Jo weakly rest her head on her shoulder, soft broken whimpers escaping her mouth. "I know." She sighed. "I know it hurts." "I feel terrible pushing him away. I know I shouldn't, I know he's hurting too and he just wants to help. Alex is trying his best but I just, I can't talk to him about this. He wanted this baby so bad." "You both did, when it happened to me Derek and I had been trying for months, and to this day I don't know if it was because of the stress of the shooting or just my body but it happened. I never told anybody, not even Derek until months later in an argument. It just came flying out of my mouth." "How did it feel, you know, talking about it with him?" Jo lifted her head to look at Meredith."He didn't get it, don't get me wrong he tried, but he's a guy and he had his own feelings. At first he was angry with me, he lost a baby too, a baby he didn't know existed until it was gone. He said he felt like I took something from him." Jo frowned slowly, trying to understand. "Yeah I didn't get it either." Meredith shrugged. "But he's up there now with that baby so he can't complain anymore." She chuckled. "Has he spoken to you about it?" Jo asked. "When he feels he can talk about it he does. I don't push him. He's Alex, and he's stronger than we give him credit for." "Thanks for being there for him, and me." Meredith smiled. "Of course." "You were right, what you said earlier, it does feel lonely. Like, one minute I had this little human inside of me, they weren't even here yet but, I loved them so much. And I had a chance to give them what I never had, you know? I had a purpose." Meredith wanted to tell her she already had a purpose and she still does, but she could tell she wasn't finished. "I imagined this whole life and future with me and Alex and this baby and then it just.." Tears filled the girl's eyes and a sob escaped her lips, she felt Meredith pull her into her arms and hold her and she grabbed Meredith's arms tightly, needing the comfort. "It feels like I'm missing something, like I'm not whole anymore." Meredith's heart broke for the girl and she held her tighter to her chest, rubbing her arm. She could hear the agonising pain in her words as she cried, and Jo had had enough pain in her life already. Eventually the cries subsided and when Meredith looked down, she saw that Jo fell asleep. She reached with one arm to get her phone, careful not to wake Jo and texted Alex to update him.

To Alex:
i got through to her, she's sleeping, i have a surgery this afternoon but i think i should stay here. can you cover me?

She received a reply almost immediately.

From Alex:
thanks mer, yeah i'll cover for you. is there anything i can do?

To Alex:
give her time, don't push her, just be around. she knows you're there for her.

From Alex:
got it.

Meredith slipped her phone back into her bag and carefully slid out from underneath Jo, getting into a better position before reaching down and lifting her into her arms, trying her best not to wake her up. Jo stirred slightly but quickly fell back asleep, her head resting against Meredith's chest as she took her to the bed, she must have worn herself out. Meredith carefully placed her in the bed and put the cover over her friend before getting in the bed on the other side, looking over to make sure Jo was still sleeping. She smiled slightly at the peaceful look on her face, she'd be fine. It was a couple of hours later when Jo woke up and looked around, confused as to how she was in her bed. She looked over to the other side and saw Meredith was next to her. "Hey, you fell asleep in the bathroom so I took you to bed." Meredith explained. "You're still here." was all Jo could get out. "Well I wasn't gonna leave you." Meredith said as if it should have been obvious she would stick around. "Where's Alex?" "Covering a surgery for me. Are you hungry? It's past lunchtime and you haven't eaten anything." "I'm not hungry." Jo dismissed the idea of eating. Meredith knew that she probably was, but decided to let her be, she would eat when she felt up to it. "You don't have to stay, I'll be fine." "I know you will, but I'm still not going anywhere." Meredith said simply. "I don't wanna talk about it anymore Meredith." Jo replied, wrapping a blanket around herself. "So we don't talk about it. Whatever you do or don't want to do is fine, but I'm not leaving." Jo looked over at her friend, meeting her eyes. She didn't need to say it, no words were needed. Meredith knew by the look in her eyes she was grateful for the company, glad she was staying. "Okay, you know what's a good mood lifter and helps you forget about life?" Jo raised her eyebrows in question, watching as she got up and went to the kitchen. She rolled her eyes and smiled slightly when Meredith pulled out a bottle of tequila. "You in?" Meredith asked. "I'm in." Jo nodded, going to the stools, the blanket draped over her shoulders as she took a glass from Meredith, downing her first drink. "God I needed that." Jo shook her head at the intense taste. Meredith chuckled and followed her, downing her own. A few drinks later the pair were on the couch, Jo's feet on the table and Meredith's on her lap. "Youuuuu should totally sleep over tonight." Jo pointed at her friend. "We should have a girls night." "Uh huh, by girls night would you happen to mean tequila night?" Meredith raised an eyebrow. "Why can't it be both? Two in one, twice the fun." Jo smirked, drinking straight from the bottle. "You're definitely drunk." "You're drunk." Jo rebutted, but she was right. "What about Alex, and the kids?" "Have him stay at yours, he can take the kids. Come on please?" Jo crawled over to Meredith and pouted at her, giving her best puppy dog eyes. "Pleaaaaase?" "Alright I'll ask Alex." Meredith gave in, though it didn't take much convincing. Her and Jo rarely spent time together outside of work, and it was nice just hanging out with her.

To Alex:
Jo wants me to sleep over tonight. Would you mind staying back at mine and taking care of the kids?

From Alex:
yeah sure, if that's what she wants then do it, i really appreciate this mer

To Alex:
give it an hour with the kids and you might rethink that. if you need any help amelia will be home, if she whines remind her she owes me one for catching a tumour on wednesday.

From Alex:
i'm sure i can handle them, they love me more than you anyway

"Okay. Looks like I'm sleeping over." Meredith said, putting her phone down. Unexpectedly Jo pounced on her hugging her excitedly. Meredith couldn't help but laugh at as she hugged her back. "We're getting low on Tequila." Jo whined as she poured them both out another drink in their empty glasses. "You know that's probably not a bad thing." "But drunk Jo feels better than sober Jo." The brunette frowned with her bottom lip jutted out in disappointment. "I know she does." Meredith sighed. "Come on Meredith, I know you're trying to look out for me but let me have this one night, I just need a break from my brain." Jo pleaded, and Meredith couldn't exactly act like she never drank her pain away. After some hesitation, puppy dog eyes and pouting, Meredith relented. "I think I saw some vodka in the cupboard." "Thanks Meredith, you're the best." "Realistically I'm not, but I understand what you're going through, so I'm letting you have tonight. Just don't tell Alex about this." Jo pulled out the vodka and came back over. "I won't if you won't." "Done." "Done." The pair clinked their glasses in agreement and downed the vodka in sync, making a disgusted noise in unison. "You don't have any mixers?" "Nope. Alex drank the last of the soda yesterday. Buckle up your tastebuds Grey, it's gonna be a long night."

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