I'll Look After You pt. 2

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"Cool place." Mia said as she followed Jo inside. "It's a little different I know, but it's home." "So I see one double bed and no couch, clearly Alex didn't think this through." "He never thinks anything through." Jo chuckled. "I'm fine where I am, I don't know why he's insisting I stay with you guys, I don't wanna just barge into your lives and set up home." "Nonsense, it's totally fine, we can grab a blow up mattress from the store and stick it on the floor somewhere, not for long obviously, but just until we can get a couch that turns into a bed." "So when's Alex back?" "Not sure, he's pulling a long shift so I'm afraid it's just you and me kid." Jo said, sitting on the bed. "So tell me, how did he manage to get a beauty like you?" Jo laughed and shook her head. "Hardly a beauty, and he can be very charming." "Hm." Mia said. "Got any wine? It's a great ice breaker." "Just a glass of wine, or getting drunk?" "Both." Mia shrugged. "Are you sure Alex won't mind?" "Pft, what he doesn't know won't hurt him, I'm legal to drink." "He'll know if he gets back and we're wasted." "So? Don't you wanna wind him up a little? Plus I've been told I'm a pretty fun drunk." Jo thought about it and shrugged. "Alright, okay, screw it, let's get drunk." "Yes!" An hour later with an empty wine bottle both girls were laughing hysterically at..something, they couldn't remember what. "Oh nooo, we're out of wiiiiine." Mia pouted. "Alex doesn't know that I have a secret stash under the bed, shhh." Jo said, pulling a new unopened bottle out. "Ayyyy!" Mia cheered at her, downing some after Jo did. "You're really cool, I don't know why Alex didn't mention you before." Jo said, Mia frowned. "I don't know. Embarrassment maybe." "Why would he be embarrassed of you? You're really cool." "I don't have the best past." "Yeah well I was abandoned at a fire station as a baby and I lived in my car, neither do I, so hit me." Mia shrugged. "When Alex moved out for med school, my mom never fed me, it wasn't her fault, she just didn't have the money, and Alex was on top of everything like that. We couldn't eat and get her meds, so I had to make some money on the streets, with guys." Jo frowned and looked sad. "Mia, I'm so sorry." "It did it's job, I ate, my Mom ate, I could pay for her meds. It wasn't so bad, not as bad as you'd think, well, when it was voluntary." "You mean..wait are you telling me you got raped?" "Call it what you want." Mia shrugged, chugging some more wine. "I got money for it, I'm a whore." "No you're not, don't you dare say that." Jo said seriously, meeting the girl's eyes. "Does Alex know about that? That guys were doing that to you?" "Of course not, he'd kill them. He doesn't even know I've been out on street corners." "I'm really sorry, you never need to do that again, okay? Alex and I both have our jobs, you'll be with us and we can take care of any food." "But my Mom-" "She's in the psych ward, she's getting her help, now let us help you." No reply. "Please Mia?" Mia looked away. "I have a job too, Jo." "No. That's not a job Mia. That's assault." Mia simply drank some more from the bottle before Jo took it and put it on the floor next to her, the action making Mia look at her. "Dude that's not cool." "When was the last time it happened?" Jo asked, looking her dead in the eyes. "Last night." Mia mumbled, eyes filling with tears. Jo sighed and pulled the girl into her arms, feeling her melt into her embrace she heard small cries emitting from the girl. "It's okay, I got you, you're okay." "You can't tell Alex, this has to stay between us." Mia begged her. Jo was torn, this was Alex's sister. On one hand, he was her older brother, he had a right to know, and he should know. But as a woman, she understood the vulnerability, and being in such a bad place that you would do whatever you needed to do to survive. "Shh, it's okay, we'll figure it out. We can tell him together, I can keep him calm, he's gotten better with his temper." Jo said as she stroked the younger girl's hair. "He'll be so ashamed." "He'll be Alex, he'll be your older brother." "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm worried about." Mia chuckled lightly, wiping under her eyes and regaining herself. "Look, Alex has been through the same thing with your Mom, he took care of her before you had to. He knows how hard things were. I know he used to be a hothead, but since then, in the last few years he met me, he's been put in his place a few times by some people, and now he's the chief of paediatrics, he's seen and heard a lot, just try not to worry." "Hey, you've been bonding I see, what are you two talking about?" Both girls looked up as Alex suddenly opened the door. "Um," Jo stood up, she had sobered up quickly, she needed to. "What's that look on your face for?" "Alex we need to talk." "Okay, what about?" Mia took a deep breath. "You can't go off and beat anyone up, you can't go awol, you have to stay calm." Alex looked between the two, clearly confused. "Will one of you just spill it?" "Mia and I have been talking and she needs to tell you something." Jo looked at the girl who shook her head and covered her eyes, hot tears threatening to spill over. "What is it?" Mia shook her head at her brother and turned to the brunette. "I can't Jo." "Can I?" She asked. "One of you tell me what's going on! I've already been told I'm not allowed to beat anyone up so I'm worried now." Jo sighed and wrapped Mia up in her arms as she couldn't contain her sobs. "Mia what? What's the matter?" Alex asked, his worry evident in his voice. "Mia told me she's been out on the streets." "What? Mom kicked you out?" "No Alex not..not like that." Jo trailed off. Alex just shook his head, still confused. Jo sighed. "Mia's been having sex with guys, for money." "She what? You what?" "She had no choice, she couldn't eat and afford your Mom's meds, and it hasn't always been consensual." Alex tried to speak but no words came out. He didn't know how to process the information."Alex..Alex please say something." Mia prompted, her voice croaky. Alex did nothing but pull her into a tight hug, choking up. "Why didn't you call me?" "Are you mad?" "No! But I-I could have paid, I could have helped, you didn't have to put yourself in that position. Why didn't you come to me?" "Because you have a life now Alex, you left home. Mom was my responsibility now. She needed protecting." "So did you." "I'm not a baby." "Yeah well you're my baby sister. I should have been there, I'm supposed to protect you. I'm so sorry Mia." "It's okay Alex, I'm okay." "Have you been tested for-" "When I did have stuff I was treated." Jo's hands covered her mouth. That hadn't occurred to her. "God Mia.." Jo felt her eyes welling up. Mia pulled away from the hug. "Listen to me, we'll make it work, you're staying with us, you're not going back to Mom's, and not back out there. I'll take better care of you this time." "Alex I'm an adult now, I can take care of myself." "Well you're still staying here, and you let us worry about money okay?" Jo said, holding her fiancé's hand, squeezing it. "Yeah while we're on the topic of money, you guys really need to buy a couch." Alex laughed and wiped his eyes. "Shut up or you're sleeping on the floor." Mia gasped dramatically at the man. "Alex! Now that's no way to treat your baby sister." Jo chuckled. "We should get some dinner, it's getting late. You guys fancy pizza?" "Sure." Mia nodded. "Whatever you want, I'm fine with anything you get." Alex shrugged. "Yeah that's because you're a human vacuum." Jo rolled her eyes. Mia laughed. "I guess some things never change huh." "Wanna come with me Mia? I'm gonna walk there, it's not too far and I could use some fresh air." "Yeah okay, Alex will you be okay?" "What do you mean?" He questioned his sister. "We won't come back and you're gone on a hunt for anyone who may have hurt me?" "Or we come back to anything here broken?" "Just get the pizza." Alex rolled his eyes. "Okay, we'll see you in a bit." Jo pecked his lips. Mia suddenly hugged her brother and closed her eyes, exhaling slowly, resting her cheek against his chest. "I love you Alex." Alex smiled softly and wrapped his arms around his sister and resting his chin on top of her head. "I love you too kiddo, thank you for telling me, or letting Jo tell me, I guess I'm saying thank you for being honest, for letting me in." Jo simply smiled at the scene. "I'm sorry I didn't come to you, I should have. I guess my instincts..I don't know, I guess I forgot that I wasn't as alone as I felt." Jo and Alex met each other's eyes with sadness in both of them. "Never." Jo put a hand on Mia's back and rubbed it. "You've got me, and Jo, you've got us, both of us." "Damn right." Jo said and looked at Alex as she spoke. "Don't worry Mia, you're not going anywhere."

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