Just for one night

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"More wine?" Arizona offered as she refilled her own glass. "Sure why not." April held out her empty glass. "So, how are things with you and Jackson?" "We're good, we both agree we work better as friends. Even if our marriage didn't work out we still need to be in each other's lives on good terms, for Harriet." "I get it, Callie and I are the same with Sofia." "Right, and Jackson, well he's my best friend, he always will be." "Your best friend? What am I?" Arizona whined and smacked the girl's ribs. April had had a few drinks though so she lost her balance and they fell on the floor, Arizona on top of her. When their laughter died down, April found herself staring at Arizona, taking in her gentle features. She was beautiful. "You think I'm beautiful?" Arizona blushed. "I said that out loud?" April blushed. "Yeah, you did." April slowly nodded and before she knew what she was doing she connected their lips. Surprisingly, Arizona reciprocated the kiss and soon tangled her hands in April's red locks. April pulled back with wide eyes. "Oh my god. Oh my god I can't believe I just did that." April got up quickly and tried to find her coat and keys. "I should go." "Wh-No April calm down. It was just a kiss." Arizona stood in front of her. "I'm the worst Christian ever, kissing a girl." "Now that's a little much don't you think?" Arizona smirked. "Don't do that." April huffed. "Don't do what?" Arizona tilted her head adorably. "You're..you, just stop doing that, making me want to kiss you again." Arizona smirked slightly. "What if I kissed you?" "I-I don't know." "Come on Kepner." Arizona leaned in, brushing their lips together as she spoke. "What's the harm in just one night together?" April didn't respond verbally, she slammed the doctor into the wall and kissed her forcefully, jumping up into Arizona's arms as she lifted her legs. April let out a throaty moan when Arizona nipped at her neck. Leaving no time to waste, and not trusting her balance in her drunken state, Arizona guided April to her bedroom and threw the doctor onto the bed. April squealed in surprise, that was pretty hot. April bit her lip and watched as Arizona eyed her body up, she could see the lust in her eyes where usually there was sweetness, but she liked this side of Arizona too, she was definitely enjoying it.

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