
259 15 8

August 18, 2019


I woke up on a mission today. I was determined to start up a conversation with the pretty eyed boy that took 4th block with me named Deandre. I wanted to get to know him more, he seemed interesting and apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that because from my observations, this nigga got hoes. Now you probably thinking, "Girl why the fuck you worried about if this nigga got hoes or not? Just get a new nigga", and you're right I could get a new one, but this man right here got something to him I just can't wrap a finger around. He gives me this 90's vibe about him and I fuck with all the 90's shit. Cause let me tell you, if I was in the 90's with the age I am now or maybe a little bit older, Tupac would've been catching ALL of me right now and that's a given fact.

Anyway I'm currently in first block right now not paying attention to a thing this teacher talking about, but let me focus and do my work before I fail this class and my mama and coach beat my ass. 

Oouu bars 

"Toni, TONI!" I jumped out of my thoughts hearing my named being called. "Huh?" I said looking around the classroom. People were staring right at me like they were waiting for something. 

"I said did you read the outline of the lesson I gave you" the teacher said looking at me intently waiting for an answer. I rolled my eyes and shifted in my seat. Did this lady really think I was going to read the outline? Because I did and I was ready for any question she was going to throw at me because a nigga stay in the books. "As a matter a fact I did, why do you ask?" I said giving her a "yeah you not gon catch my ass lacking" look. 

"Well if you were paying attention rather than day dreaming, you would know that I'm calling on random people to see what they remember from the outline".

Listen you don't have to get smart an shit

"Well what I took from the outline was that people die from overdose from crack or cocaine because the drug itself gives you this euphoric feeling which is known as a high. The dopamine receptors in your nervous system which activates to give you this feeling are overtime damaged so it doesn't absorb as well and therefore you cannot perceive the same feeling or "high" you once did so people continue to do the drug but they increase the does each time so they can feel that high and once that continues in itself you die from overdose". I said smiling feeling proud that I can remember all that because I was like half asleep reading that shit last night. The teacher made a face of astonishment and walked to the center of the classroom and spoke.

"Good job Ton,i you hit it right on the nail" she said continuing to move on with her lesson. While she did that I felt someone speak next to me with a voice I never heard in me life. " I may need you to tutor me cause I would have never known that shit" A boy said beside me. I look to my right to see a dark skinned boy with a low curled hair cut. He was wearing a dark plain shirt with a chain and bracelet to match. He had small gold hoops in as well. 

Damn this nigga fine as fuck, I may have to say fuck Deandre for him

I stopped staring at him and and snapped back into reality. "Man I'm surprised I even remembered. My ass was off the NyQuil last night so I was sleepy as fuck while reading it" I said while copying the notes from the board. He laughed and when he laughed he looked so adorable that it made me smile. "Girl you funny as fuck, you from around here?" he asked me while copying notes himself. I continued to copy them too. 

"Yeah, I'm from Birmingham born and raised" I said. "Really? You don't sound like you from here" he said looking up  from his notebook at me. I rolled my eyes, people say that to me quite often. "Yeah I get that a lot for sum reason, where you from?" I said turning the subject away from me onto him. "Compton" he said causally. 

 I know this nigga not talking about Compton, California

"Compton California?" I asked. "Yea" he said leaning back in his chair. Let me find out he a  hood nigga and imma really be draw in. Nah let me stop playing. You can't assume someone is hood because they're from Compton. "Oh that's nice, why you come to the east coast" I asked definitely now more interested in him. As he started to talk about why he moved here, I just tuned him out and looked at him. He looks very familiar. I don't know where I seen him, but I think I seen him before. "That's why I moved here" he said ending his short rant. I looked away from him to the other side of the classroom, "that's definitely a lot but I see why" I said. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, the bell rung signaling that it was time to go to to 2nd block. I packed up my things and was about to leave before somebody grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me back to them. I turned around and saw that it was the boy that I was talking to a few minutes prior.

"You didn't tell me yo name" he said looking at me. I looked out the doorway and back at him. "Toni" I said before pulling my wrist from his soft grip and walking away to tell Nia ALLLL about this fine ass nigga.


So I introduced Darius to you guys if you didn't catch who was talking to Toni. His fine ass. Whew, we love our 90's black men. Anyway make sure you guys comment, share, and vote and i'll see you guys at the next update xxx.


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