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Y'all probably gone be like girl where tf have you been and I just got to say life has been taking its course. I been trying to live my best life and I hope you all are doing the same but safely of course. I also wanted to say BLACK LIVES MATTER THE FUCK. We have been fighting just to be treated like human beings from the beginning and now with this generation we are finally making a difference so for everyone that's out there protesting regardless of race thank you, to our black women who are always on the front lines thank you, to the people who would never understand what we as black people go through but protest anyway because they truly care  about black lives thank you as well. With that being said, I hope everyone is being safe thru this pandemic and protesting. I hope you enjoy these updates as well, with that being said peace xxxx.



"So where we going?"

"You gone have to wait and see ma, can't spoil the surprise".

"Boy bye I wanna now where we going". I was anxious to see where we was going because this my first time even hanging out with Angelo let alone going on a date with him. We been driving for at least 20 minutes and it looks like we going downtown which I'm hyped about because the southside be having all the good spots down here.

"Girl relax, if I knew you was gon be asking this many questions I would've told yo lil ass to put on a blindfold then". He said quickly glancing at me.

"Hell nah, not with these lashes I got on". I said looking in his visor mirror to making sure they straight.

"Ion understand why y'all be wearing them big ass lashes anyways, looking like y'all about to fly away and shit". 

"Boy fuck you these hoes cute" I said laughing at what he said. My lashes don't be that big if you ask me since I prefer the wispy lashes Toni put me on to. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Ight if you say so" He said glancing back at the road. A couple minutes later we was in front of what looks like a arcade. I slightly smiled seeing as I haven't been to one of these in a minute so I thought it was kind of cute he was taking me here for our first date. Parking the car he looked at me and smirked. 

"So you thought you was slick huh? How you know I liked arcades?" I said turning to look fully at him. He just shrugged.

"I really didn't know if you liked arcades and this a new spot in town so I decided to take you here, but  seeing that you like it here makes me feel even better" He said looking away for a minute. When he did that I just admired him for a little bit. I've seen Angelo before but I never looked at him up close and personal. Everything about him just good looked and sounded good. From the way he dress, to the way he talk, to the way he carries himself. I started to like him even more. Now you probably thinking what about Jamar? Well me and Jamar was just fucking around and since our break up I haven't felt the same about him since. I mean I still had feelings for him a little bit but after he apologized to me that day we went and worked out together things started to fade between me and him but I would still fuck with him from time to time.

Now I decided to move on and do what's best for me and if that's getting a new nigga who I hope will love me and cherish me the way I should be cherished then so be it. 

"Girl you just gone sit there and look at me all night or you gone get yo ass out this car?" Angelo said looking at me. I snapped out of my gaze and shook my head laughing. 

"Damn my bad, I just got caught up thinking about sum" I said getting out the car. He got out and jogged to my side of the car helping me out.

"I mean I know the kid look good and all but shidd you don't have to stare" He said looking dead at me. I laughed nervously under his gaze and slightly pushed him. 

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