This one's for the sadness in me
And the piercing scream of insanity
A love once had, ended bad, now gone
To many ways to see what truly went wrongA fast pace world let us drift
Who can stop to breathe, all the while busy
This love of ours, making me dizzy
Not a good sort of spinning, full of joy
A lingering sickness, that mood can destroyI've lost track of you, where you been
Do we even know the other, where do we begin
We both had no time, yet you couldn't bother to wait
Like I wouldn't notice the one you took on that second date
See Less, Feel More
PuisiRandom poems, nothing special. It's more of a hobby when I'm bored or have something on my mind. It's just a bunch of stuff I originally put up on mirakee. There's more on there than here because I get lazy to put it here. You can find me @ see_less...