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Music: Haunted House from Super Mario 64

It's a dark, quiet night at the Lockwood Inn.

The only person who's awake right now is the front desk lady. After all, it is her job to make sure anyone who checks in for a room gets in. But there's someone else who's awake.

A silent figure, wearing mostly black, is hiding behind some plants in the lobby. He's holding a walkie-talkie so he can communicate with his companions, who are hiding on the roof of the hotel. At 8:00 PM exactly, the figure hears the sound of a car pulling up, and turns on his walkie. "Who's coming in first?"

"Heh. Looks like it's your opposite. It's Luke," a voice replies.

"That little pipsqueak?"

"You just called yourself a pipsqueak, Envy," another voice says, snickering. The figure groans silently and goes back into hiding. Sure enough, the family of Luke walks in- his mom, stepdad, and sister with him.

"What time is it?" the little girl, who couldn't be any older than 9 or 10, asks. The mom looks at her watch and tells her, "It's 8'o clock at night, sweetie."

"Yeesh," the figure sighs. Then he hears another car, and a female voice hisses, "Envy! Lust and I's lookalikes are here!"

"Sean and Shanna?" Envy replies.


"Got it." The twins walk in with their parents, check in, and are given a key to a room. After they leave, Envy mutters, "All according to plan."

The next thing he hears are a scattering of voices. One says, "The agility boy is here!"

"No, it's the magic kid," a different voice says.

"Which one is it!?" Envy growls, impatient.

"Oh great, it's both," a different female voice answers. "Heath from the west side and Sam from the east."

Another new voice asks, "Am I really that ugly?"

"Shut up, Greed," Envy sighs.

Heath's family checks in first. As they climb up the nearby stairs, Heath jumps the whole stairway. Almost immediately after they leave is when Sam's family walks inside to check in.

"We've got another one!" Greed yells, which scares the crap out of Envy. "Except... there's no child with the parents."

"It's probably Chomata, the invisible one. Y'know, like Wrath," Envy says.

Sure enough, it was. Once their family is done checking in, all that was left to do was wait for the final person to show up. She shows up almost an hour later, right before Envy falls asleep.

"Sloth's lookalike is here!" Lust yells.

"Dang, I can see why I got the power of attraction now," Sloth smirks.

"That means they're all here," Envy said, grinning.

Then a new voice, much older-sounding, comes from the walkie. "Good work, children. Everything is falling into place, just as I want it to."

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