Chapter XI

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Music: Cell from Gradius V

"Is he... is he dead?" Elle whispered, her voice raising in pitch with each words she said.

Heath quickly got down on the ground and checked his pulse. "Barely breathing. We need to get him somewhere where we can heal him."

Shanna and I picked him up, and carried him to the nearest house (which, for some reason, was unoccupied). "Please help him. He's gonna bleed to death!" Chomata yelled.

After cleaning Luke off, he got up. He was in no way happy. "MY ARM! MY LEG!" he moaned.

"Here," Sam said, fishing through his pockets. He then pulled out a blue pill of some sort.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A GRADE-UP. It's a Powerful Kids-only drug. It should help with the pain," Sam explained. Luke ate the pill dry, and then laid down, moaning in pain.

"You'll make it, buddy. Hang in there," Heath said.

That's when Luke glared at all of us. "I know you've rescued me, like, three times. But isn't there anything you can do about THIS?" He pointed to his arm stump and leg stump.

"Yes. There is." We turned around, finding a person there. "We can give you prosthesis, if you come with us," the man said.

Luke stepped forward. He gestured to us. "Come on," he whispered.

But Sam didn't trust the man, apparently. I figured that because he shook his head and mouthed no. Then I took a good look at the man. He had a smirk on his face. Shanna and I saw this and backed away. I think Elle managed to sense his feelings, and got a bad sense, because she shuddered and backed away.

"Guys. We can trust him." Luke said. Then he glared. "Right?" he asked mockingly.

We all nodded. I figured we were all scared, but Luke couldn't apparently tell, so he turned back and said, "They trust you."

"Alright. The operation will start tomorrow," the man said. Then he walked away.

Once the man was out of hearing range, Luke hissed, "What was that all about?"

Elle began talking rather quickly. "I-I sensed his feelings, and I don't think we should be trusting him."

"And why is that? What did you sense?"

Elle didn't answer for a few seconds. "I think it's a trap, Luke. I don't think we should go to the operation."

I looked at Luke. His face was turning red, and he looked ready to explode.


Music: Stage Boss from Gradius V

At this point, Luke pretty much lost it.

"Oh, so you think that just because the man's emotions are the TINIEST BIT suspicious, we shouldn't go? That, Elle, is called being paranoid," Luke spat out.

"Y'know what, Luke? Just shut up," Elle fired back. "I can say what I want to say. I don't think this man is trustworthy. You saw the grin on his face, didn't you?"
"Once again, Elle- that is paranoia!" Luke yelled.

Elle was clearly becoming frustrated as well. "How ignorant are you!? Look at the rest of us! They agree with me! You're just too determined and selfish to consider what the rest of us think!" Elle yelled, shoving Luke. Luke shoved her back.

At that point, I couldn't handle it anymore. I decided to intervene. "Luke, Elle has a good point. You shouldn't trust this man even though he's offering you prosthetics. For all we know, it's a setup. So why don't you just shut up and listen to her?" I said.

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