Chapter VII

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Music: Candy Waltz from Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius

My heart pounded. Even after almost an hour of preparing myself, I still didn't feel ready to go through with this. I still was weak from all those hours cramped in a cell, even though I did a feel little better.

Sam glanced at me. " If you're not ready, Sean and Shanna can-"

I shook my head. "I have to do this. For the team."

"Suit yourself." Sam said, even though I still thought he was worried.

Just then, Heath came up behind us, scaring me by tapping my shoulder. I jumped, and he looked sheepish. "Sorry. I just wanted to wish you and Sam good luck."

"Thanks," we both said. At that moment, I took a deep breath and began walking towards the guards, Sam a few paces behind me. I did exactly what Sam suggested I do: Make it seem like you're too good for them. Any guy without a mind always falls for that kind of stuff.

When I got within about a foot of the two guards, I flashed my head their way, flipping my hair in the process. I shot them a serious look, then a small smile and a wink. I felt way embarrassed. My efforts were successful, however, because both of the guards opened their eyes wide at me and stared in awe, which only added to my embarrassment.

"Are you, by any chance, single?" one of them asked, and I could see him blushing.

"No. She's with me," I heard Sam sternly say. That was also part of the plan. The two guards turned Sam's way and held up their weapons, but they were too slow. Sam took them both down by turning both of his arms into knives, then slicing them down their backs.

As Sam led the group inside, Chomata whispered to me, "You're not really dating Sam, are you?"

"Shut up," was the only answer I could give him.

In the room Luke was held in, he was lying on a bed, unguarded for some reason. I shook him, first softly, and then vigorously. He didn't awake. "Guys, what if he's dead?" Shanna said, beginning to breath heavily.

Heath bitchslapped Luke three times, and that woke him up. He began squirming around in surprise, and then fell off the bed. When Luke came to his senses, he looked at us furiously and hissed, "Guys! What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing you. What else?" Shanna shrugged.

Luke opened his mouth to protest, but I interrupted him. "Luke, there's no time. We need to go." I grabbed his arm and we ran outside.

But the second we stepped outside, an alarm went off.


Music: Boss from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

More guards that worked for the Sins came running through the hallway, eventually blocking off the group. These guards weren't exactly human, however. They were sort-of part human, part-bear, and part-monkey. Either way, they prevented the group from progressing, but that wasn't a problem for these kids.

Sean and Shanna looked at each other, grinned and nodded, and then began advancing towards the humonkbears (what). Sean took the first one out with a sock to the jaw. He crumpled to the floor. Beside him, Shanna was doing the same. Eventually they cleared a path for the rest of the Powerful Kids to advance. "Go, go!" Shanna said, waving them off.

There were more waves of these guards, however. Heath took care of this group with some well-aimed pounces and a few shots from the gun he found in Chapter VI. Luke helped him out by using his sword arm.

Unfortunately, the two of them along with Sean eventually found themselves cornered by five or six (I can't tell from this distance) of the humonkbears. But Chomata appeared out of nowhere with his electric bow, and managed to take all of them out with one arrow. Then the four of them ran off.

Anastasia was being chased by another three or four human guards, but then she saw Sam out of her peripheral vision, with an energy orb. She knew what to do now. She turned around and winked at the the four guards, which stopped them in their tracks. Then Sam took them all out using his fully charged orb. Anastasia and Sam then found Shanna beating up on a few more guards, and she joined them as they joined Heath, Sean, Chomata, and Luke.

The group left through the "Authorized Access Only" door, and the key was needed for the front door. But when Heath searched his pockets for it, he didn't have it.

"Heath! Where's the key!?" Sam asked, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Well, if I knew, I'd go get it," Heath retorted. Then a voice from above asked, "Looking for something?"

All seven of them looked up to see Gluttony floating high above them, holding the key. Heath leaped up to join him, and then began beating up on Gluttony, taking him down to the ground. Gluttony disappeared before Heath could deliver the final blow. Unfortunately, he took the key with him. Sean then muttered, "Screw it," and punched the door open, and the group ran off.

But they stopped once they heard what sounded like a girl crying.

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