Chapter 1

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Prowl's p.o.v

It was a nice day; I'll have to admit that. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue with wispy white clouds drifting by, there was a small soothing breeze through the air, rustling the green leaves of the numerous trees, and I felt them tickle my frame ever so slightly.

I was sitting in a tree at a park in Detroit. I've used my holographic projector to allow me to camouflage among the foliage so I can finally just have some peace and quiet without any nosy humans or media drones to bother me.

I leaned my back against the trunk, the bark was rough but I didn't mind, and ex-vented. I should be patrolling but really, that was just an excuse to get me out of the base and away from Bumblebee's annoying pestering.

I swear to Primus one of these days I'm gonna snap and strangle the spark out of that annoying minibot.

Looking up at the sky, I saw three doves flying there together. In the distance, I heard a canary chirp as it woke up in its nest. A butterfly fluttered towards me and I held a digit out. All I had to do was wait, stillness, and.....

It landed on my digit. I took that chance to admire its beauty. It was so small, yet it was magnificent to simply gaze at and admire.

In a branch above, I heard a squirrel skittle along the branch towards its home. Down below, a robin landed to pick up something among the grass before it spread its wings and took flight.

I smiled. I enjoyed moments like these. Where I could just relax and admire the world around me. While a small part of my spark missed my home world Cybertron, I cannot deny that the organic nature on Earth has managed to worm its way into my spark as well.

I couldn't help but feel slightly sorry for the humans. Their world had so much to offer, if only they could develop the patience to allow Mother Nature to slowly reveal herself....

Then I noticed it. The leaves beside me twitched ever so slightly, as though a tiny finger had poked it. I turned around and slowly pushed the leaves aside to not scare away whatever organic life form was behind it.

At first, I saw nothing and wondered if my optics were playing tricks on me when I noticed a small disturbance of movement among the shades of green. I had to squint a bit to make it out.

It was a mantis.

I've heard of them before and admittedly, never got a chance to see one up close. Looks like I can cross that off my list.

I brought my faceplate closer and watched in fascination as it slowly...ever so slowly stepped towards its prey- the cricket on the trunk.

Its lithe body moved with such grace, yet it was precise and deadly all the same. striked.

The way it moved, the way it carried itself was foreign yet all too familiar to me in a way.

A mantis huh? Then I sighed and wondered if this was a sign. After is the day.

How long has it been? How many times have I done this? How much longer do I have to do this?

Another stellar cycle- or year as the humans call it- has passed.

And she's still.....

I shook my helm. This won't get me anywhere and I couldn't lose hope. Not now, not yet. She's still out there.

She has to be. I know it.

I heard a chirp. Looking up, I saw a mother bird feeding its young. I think it's a canary judging by its vibrant yellow feathers.

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