Chapter 32: Nature Calls- A Venomous Encounter

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Prowl released a sigh of content, his holoform relaxing and leaning forward slightly. Beside him, Mantis was in a similar relaxed position. Currently, he and his sister were on the outskirts of Detroit, atop a cliff where they could both admire the snow-covered Detroit.

It was amazing how impactful winter was. Mother Nature truly was a force to be respected. In barely days, the entire place was covered in a layer of white. His sister hadn't wasted any time, already he could tell her datapad was filling up with winter theme art.

Yes.......moments like there were to be cherished.....

And unfortunately, inevitably shattered.

It was shattered as a snow-plow came scooping away the snow and rudely buries them in snow.

Annoyed and frustrated, he transformed back with a growl. Mantis transformed beside him, indignant and annoyed that she was once again buried in snow.

"Oi! Watch where you're going!" she yelled after the snow-plow.

The only thing she got as a reply was a honk.


"It's as though humans are forever at war with nature." Prowl ranted as he paced back and forth back at base to Mantis, Bee and Sari.........well, at least Mantis knew she was actually listening while the latter two were more focused on their video games.

"Beauty literally falls from the sky and they immediately rush to spoil it with their machines." He went on.

"Well to be fair, they kinda have to sometimes. I mean, how else will they- and us by extension- get around on our wheels if the roads are covered in snow?" Mantis pointed out as she casually leaned back against the couch-partially to also try and hide how Sari and Bee weren't really listening as they played video games.

Prowl paused at that. "Ok that's.....true. But they can also use other methods of transportation like walking, can they not?" he said.

Mantis shrugged. "It's tiring and troublesome. Why do that when you can take the easy road? That's just how everyone thinks." She said philosophically.

Yeah it was a pity humans couldn't just let nature be but.....that's just life. Nothing lasts forever or stays the same. It always changes like the weather at anytime, anywhere.

Prowl sigh. "Yes but they won't rest until all of nature's beauty is-" he was cut off as the video game released a sound that signified Bee's active playing.

"Have you been listening to a word I've said?" Prowl asked, even more annoyed now.

"Uh! Yes....yup...jump, jump!" Sari said though it was clear she wasn't paying attention, her focus on trying to beat Bee who was obviously the superior player.

"Yes!" Bee cheered as he got more XP.

Prowl pulled one of the headphones away so Bee could actually listen.

"Bumblebee, is your commitment to all these electronic devices really necessary?" he asked.

"Uh, I hate to break it to you Prowl." Bee elbowed Prowl right where his holographic projector was, activating it to project a mirror copy of himself. "But you are one of these electronic devices." He pointed out.

"Uh, I hate to break it to you, BB. But unlike video games, we're our own avatars with our own settings and controls." Mantis pointed back.

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