Chapter 11: Introductions

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He didn't know how long they simply stayed there, hugging each other and finally feeling the pure comfort of one being near the other again and frankly, he didn't care if a hundred years had passed by right there and then.

His teammates/ ....okay, admittedly friends on the other hand just stood there in shock, optics wide and jaws hanging open.

"Ooooooookay, he's crying. Guys, did she hit me harder than I thought or is the Prowl actually crying?" Bumblebee asked out of the corner if his mouth.

Sari sniffed and wiped a tear away. "This is so touching." She said. This was even better than any cheesy romance movie in the world.

Optimus didn't know what to do. He wasn't experienced in the field of......well this.

He looked at Ratchet and saw that he was as lost as him. Ratchet was a war medic/ veteran. He fought in the Great War and lived to tell the tale and had thousands of stellar cycles worth of experience in the field.

In this field he was as lost as a fish out of water.

"Do we......?" Bulkhead asked gesturing to the hugging duo. Optimus contemplated telling them to leave and to give Prowl and Mantis some space.

Thankfully they separated three seconds later, saving them the trouble.

"I'd say it's good to see you again but that's a major understatement." Mantis said wiping away the last of her tears, a smile on her faceplate.

"Same." Prowl replied, smiling himself for the first time in a long time.

Sari of course snapped a picture of that. No way she was ever goanna let him live it down.

"Now he's smiling  too?! Man, I must've been hit really  hard." Bee said rubbing his jaw.

"I believe you all have been left in the dark for too long and....I guess you deserve an explanation." Prowl said, wrapping a servo around Mantis's shoulder. "As you all know, this is my sister, Mantis." He said.

Mantis waved at them, an amiable smile on her faceplate. "Hi and uh....sorry for hitting and kicking you guys." She said and rubbed her neck bashfully. Way to make a first impression.

"It's cool." Bee said trying to look cool in front of the femme and waving it off. "Hardly felt anything."

"Let bygones be bygones." Bulkhead agreed.

"Don't feel sorry, sister. I think you should be sorry you missed his processor instead." Prowl said.

"Yea- hey!" Bee said offended.

"Sister, these are my teammates and......well....friends I suppose." Prowl continued, muttering the last part.

Mantis however picked it up and she perked up. "Friends? Wow! Today really is full of surprises, huh brother?" she said, a massive smile on her faceplate with a hint of.....humor? Mischief?

"So, you've finally gotten over the whole 'lone wolf' gig?" she asked, hips cocked slightly and a bit of spunk slipping in.

Prowl just looked at her balefully. "I see you haven't lost your interest in annoying me."

"And you're still a gloomy broody bot who walks around as though there's a dark cloud over his helm. And I thought a couple of stellar cycles would pull that stick outta your tailpipe." She said back with a teasing smirk that told them she wasn't at all fazed by Prowl's snappiness. She nudged his ribs playfully. "Lighten up, brother. And c'mon, I've waited vorns to mess with you again." She said with a joking smile.

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