Chapter 21: Sound and Fury

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Another two weeks had passed since Mantis's arrival to their lives and admittedly, things have been going smoothly.

The femme had already managed to fit right into their routine. Not to toot her own horn but she has always been pretty adaptable and honestly? She doesn't really mind the way things are now.

She and Prowl were making up for lost time. They spent time together as often as they could, they talked about anything and everything have it be nature or the most mundane things in life like the weather, or they just contented with being in each other's presence, sometimes they exchanged stories of their own crazy adventures and after some convincing, began to train together like old times.

It was nice.

Though a tiny part of her wish her brother would stop hesitating. She could defend herself just fine thank you very much!

Sometimes both would wake up and have to remind themselves that this wasn't some lucid dream.......then again, if it was one they wouldn't want to wake up from it.

Mantis and Sari had hit it off as expected. Already, the femme was becoming something akin to a sister figure to the young human girl and Mantis had to admit that she was growing fond of Sari as well, not having much female figures in her life too.

Sari introduced her to the numerous cultures on Earth have it be video games or food. She even helped with her holoform. She was a fast learner and it didn't take long to more or less get used to Earth customs- some were pretty cool really and she loved them.

She also learned that Sari was their medic in a way thanks to her key- she was still wrapping her processor over how such a young and tiny being had such a responsibility on her shoulders.

Then there was Bulkhead- the big bot with an even bigger spark. He was so nice and friendly and she found out that he was a real softie on the inside. A bit clumsy- Prowl admitted he once tried to help him with grace......and failed.....miserably- and maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed but definitely far from rusty.

She liked hanging out with him. He was easy to converse with once he gets past his timidness and a good listener too. She became fast friends with him.

Then there was Bumblebee. The minibot seemed to never run out of energy or things to say. Seriously, he can talk about anything and everything- much to Prowl's annoyance since he apparently can't ever shut up.

He was like any other teen. He was cocky but in a comedic way. And he was friendly and the most welcoming, gladly teaching her about video games and comics and any other fun customs Earth has to offer.

Ok, maybe he had a habit of sometimes biting off more than he can chew and his mouth seems to move as fast as his wheels before he can fully process it but.......he meant well. He had a good spark and Mantis couldn't help but grow fond of the childish charm he had.

He was....kinda like a younger brother too.

The 'adults' weren't too bad either.

There was Ratchet. Apparently, he was the oldest among them and of course, their resident medic and a war veteran. A bot that actually fought during the Great War and lived on to tell the tale. He's earned her respect with that, that was for certain.

But well............

He was grumpy almost 24/7. Or cranky, or gruff- oh wait he was also like that most of the time. Or cynical, or.....well........

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