Q & A (Possible Spoilers for Season 2)

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Q: Mantis, how and when did you discover anime and what was your first one?

Mantis: Sari told me about it and I liked the art style and animation. My first ones were Naruto, Pokemon and Avatar the Last Airbender if that counts.


Q: Does Mantis use her tessens of non-combat purposes?

Mantis: Sometimes? I mean, Sari said they're handy on a hot day and when you have to dry something off.


Q: How did you learn how to use your tessens?

Mantis: Mostly self-taught. Drift managed to sneak some datapads of past Cyberninjas using tessens too but they were scarce. So I just taught myself and not to brag but I think I'm pretty good at using them, all things considered.


Q: Can you do fan dances?

Mantis: 🤔Hm..........actually I haven't considered that. It's not a bad idea.


Q: Optimus, do you see Mantis as the daughter or baby sister figure you never had?

Optimus: Well......... *blushes slightly and rubs the back of his neck* I see all my teammates as close friends but....yeah, I consider them family in a way too. But I'm not sure if we're close enough that I can call her a daughter figure. I guess you could say Mantis is more of a sister to me. Nothing compared to Prowl though.

Prowl: *big brother senses tingle* Hm.....I sense a disturbance in my position.


Q: Jazz, how did you meet Mantis?

Jazz: I met her when she was still a lil tyke, barely past my knees even. I was still a student back then. I was just chilling and listening to some tunes in my room when she came wandering in wanting to swing to the beat and well, I just couldn't say no.


Q: Prowl, do you get jealous when Mantis sees any other bot as an older brother figure?

Prowl:..........I'm not that petty. And if Mantis is happy with them then it's not my place to decide, as long as they don't harm her in any way.


Q: Does Mantis know/remember anything about her origins before the dojo? If she does, does she miss anyone or anything?

Mantis: Well..........no? I mean.....Shifu said he found me when I was still barely out of protoform-state. A baby as you humans would call it. So.....yeah......I guess.


Q: Prowl, how will you react if Mantis ever gets a sparkmate / boyfriend?

Prowl: *takes out shurikens* So you have chosen death.

Mantis: Brother, NO!

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