Chapter 6

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The sound of metal footsteps pounding on the hard metal floor seemed to beat in sync with her sparkbeat. She didn't care, if anything the sound just gave her more fuel to go faster. Tyre marks scarred the floor as she doubled her speed and skated down the corridor with the wheels on her heels.

She looked like little more than a blurred black streak as she zoomed across one corridor to the next, pass doors that were lock and unlocked, skidding sharp corners and turns and jumping over or sliding under any obstacle in her way.

Bots cursed or yelled in surprise as a sudden dark blurr zoomed past them, only getting a glimpse of dreads whipping behind her helm and dark green and black plating before she was ahead and out of sight.

She turned a sharp corner and nearly lost her footing and skid into a wall but she quickly regained herself. She couldn't slip up. Not here, not now. One slip up, that's all it took for her to say bye-bye to her spark.

Why oh why was she so fragging stupid?! At times like these, she really hates her curiosity. It was supposed to be a simple mission, heck it was supposed to be nothing more than an errand really yet, here she was.

'Here' was a Decepticon ship. A ship that screamed 'Evil-no-good-stay-away-or-be-doomed' and was filled with Decepticons that looked like they would eat protoforms for breakfast. Even without the infamous Decepticon logo, the black and purple color scheme pretty much spelled it out.

Some Decepticons were no more than petty criminals really while some were truly ruthless gladiators while some were merely there for their own personal interest which is most of them and some were there because they truly were loyal to the Decepticon cause.

How they could put so much loyalty into a cause like this was beyond her. But she could care less at the moment.

"Stop right there you little slagger!" Scrap, these guys were faster than she thought. Her optics widened as she nearly ran straight into a wall of steel which was actually a Decepticon twice her size. She went down and slid between his pedes before hand-springing herself back up and continued to run.

Then she felt a spike of pain on her shoulder and she stumbled, barely catching herself in time before her faceplate kissed the floor. She cried out in pain then kept going despite the new injury on her shoulder protesting.

Other blaster shots whizzed past her. Some went wide while some passes inches from her. Holy scrap, they were ticked off now and they really meant to kill her.

'That was probably their goal from the start anyways.' She thought grimly.

She didn't know where to go. All the corridors and doors looked the same, was she running in circles? There had to be a way out. The escape pods. All ships have  to have those. If she could just find one, just one slagging escape pod no matter how big or small then she's home-free.

Easier said than done.

"Whoa!" she yelped and skidded to a halt just before she could go splat on a......dead end. "Oh scrap." She said.

"This way!" she whipped her helm around as she saw the shadows of the cons on the wall. "She's reached a dead end, glitch is as good as offline." All they had to do was round the corner and she'd be an open target.

No, no, no she did not come this far just to have a stupid wall get in her way. She looked up and saw a shaft. Of course, the vents! She didn't waste time and got to work.

'One small one should be enough.' She thought and took out a small explosive disc that was the size of her palm. She threw it up and it stuck itself onto the shaft. It was too high up for her and she couldn't climb up to unscrew it anyways, she didn't have the time.

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