Chapter 14: Mantis's Life Story; Ambush! ~3~

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Mantis could only gaze up in wide-optic horror at the Decepticon that seemed to loom over her like the Grim Reaper waiting to take her spark away. Those red optics seemed to paralyze her to the spot, the Decepticon insignia and the Decepticon itself burning holes into her.

"What do we have here?" the Decepticon said, bending down to look at her. "A mini-ninja bot!" he said in mock surprise. Then he cocked his blaster up. "Pity you won't live to become an actual Ninjabot, oh well, least that's one less nosy prodder to be worried about." He said and the muzzle began to glow as the shot was prepared to be fired.

Yoketron had taught Mantis many things about combat- both physical and mental. One of the mental aspects is that when there's a sudden attack, one will receive a massive surge of adrenaline that the body won't be able to cope with. This triggers the fight, flight or freeze response.

More often than not, most fall into freeze due to shock. It's because the body and mind can't keep up with the sudden turn of events. That's why it's important to train your reflexes until it's ingrained in your processor down to your CPU and every circuit to not  freeze.

Yoketron has drilled it in her to never  freeze.

In less than a nanoclick her training kicked in just in the nick of time. She rolled in between the Decepticons pedes much to his surprise.

"Hey!" he called but she didn't even bother to look back, that would slow her down.

She instantly got up to her pedes and ran like her spark depended on it- which it did at the moment.

"GET DOWN!" she heard Yoketron order her and she instantly dropped down to the floor, servos over her helm.

Yoketron took three long strides for extra power and launched himself into a flying sidekick. The kick sent the Decepticon flying into another one of his comrades and knocked the wind out of both their vents, buying Yoketron and Mantis time.

"Are you alright?" Yoketron asked in concern as he kneeled beside Mantis.

"I-I'm fine." She stuttered, body trembling slightly in shock. "Sweet Solus Prime, we have to get help!" she said grasping onto Yoketron's shoulders.

"Help is already here." He said.

As if on cue, half a dozen kunai and shurikens respectively were thrown towards the Decepticons, 4 out of 6 of them hitting their mark. A small group of Cyber-ninjas seem to materialize out of the shadows. They dropped down from the rafters and landed around Yoketron and Mantis in a protective circle. Their pedes barely made a sound as they landed and they instinctively dropped into fighting stances, each drawing out their specialized weapon.

"Hold them off! Don't let them get near the chamber!" Yoketron ordered. Then he turned to Mantis and helped her up. "We need to move, quickly." He said.

"But what about the others?!" Mantis asked. "We can't just leave them!"

"We aren't leaving them. Now come on!" he said and gripping onto her wrist, they both sprinted off while the other Cyber-ninjas engaged the Decepticons in combat.

Yoketron ran so fast, Mantis was surprised her servo wasn't yanked off. They raced past through the corridors she remembered so clearly growing up in and soon he stopped in front of his room.

"Wait here." He said firmly before going in.

'I can't exactly run off now, can I?!' Mantis thought.

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