Chapter 10: Reunion ~III~; You're Alive!

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When Mantis came back online, her processor still felt sluggish but at least the agonising pain and soreness from her injuries were gone. If anything, she felt perfectly fine. It was as though she was never hurt in the first place.

However, as her optics came online, the first thing she saw was a blurred mass of yellow and gray. Then her vision cleared and she found herself staring at the faceplate of another bot that was hovering pretty  close to her own.

Her reflexes kicked in.

The next thing she knew, she shouted a loud 'Kya!' and slammed a hard palm fist strike to the jaw of...whoever was close to her faceplate.

Bee's helm snapped back and due to shock he couldn't even cry out in pain as pixels burst into his vision and he felt his servos fall beside him limply and his knees joints buckled.

He fell back and landed on the ground with a solid 'thump' and a dent on his jaw.

"Aaaaaaaagh........." he groaned as he tried to get his jaw to function with his mouth. 'Why did I agree to this?' he asked himself. Not the first time he was regretting one of his many not-so-good plans/ ideas.

"Bee!" Bulkhead called rushing back inside. The moment he heard a shout he had rushed back as fast as he could.

He briefly did a double-take as he stepped in and saw that the previously unconscious femme was no longer unconscious and very much awake; sitting up with her servo extended out and his friend sprawled out on the floor.

"Uh......" he froze like a deer in headlights. The he did the only thing he could think of- he charged forward. He had no intention of hurting her but it was obvious that she may not share the same sentiments.

The femme- Mantis he remembered now, optics widened but rather than freeze up or panic, she planted one of her servos on the berth and swung her pede around a wide arc in a roundhouse kick.

Bulkhead not expecting an attack like that ended up getting a heel- or rather, a wheel slammed into his jaw, causing his helm to snap sideways. He stumbled around a bit dazed.

"You're awfully tough....." he said, words a bit slurred as his optics rolled around a bit.

Mantis had already flipped back and now crouched behind the berth, using it as cover.

"Who are you? Where am I?" she demanded.

'She sounds like Prowl when he wants something, like Bee to leave him alone.' Bulkhead noted.

Meanwhile, there was a groan as Bee felt feeling return to his servos and pedes and his vision clear up. "Tha' urt' ike a itch'." (That hurt like a glitch.) He said, his pronunciation off due to his dented chin and the lingering numbness in his jaw.

"Whoa whoa, take it easy. We ain't gonna hurt ya just....please don't hurt us, okay?" Bulkhead said trying to calm the situation down.

"Bi' too ate' fo' at' don't cha thin'?" (Bit too late for that don't cha think?) Bee said rubbing his jaw as he got up.

"I think she's scared." Bulkhead whispered out of the corner of his mouth.

"If you two try anything funny, I will show you what scared truly means." She hissed and glared at them. Although she was probably no older than Bee, her glare was intense.....and kinda scary. Bulkhead could've sworn he felt that glare of hers try to drill a hole in his faceplate.

It once again reminded them of the glare from their resident Ninjabot.

"What's going on?" Optimus asked. They turned around and finally everyone was here, even Sari. They all froze as they saw the figure crouched behind the berth.

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