Chapter 4: Memories Resurface

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".....and that's how I met Mantis." Prowl finished.

Sari just stood there, eyes wide and mouth parted open slightly from shock and awe at what she just heard. It wasn't everyday Prowl was willing to open up so much.

"Woah." Sari breathed out. "Sooooo she wasn't really your sister and at the same time, she wasn't really related to your master either, right?"

Prowl nodded. "Yes, as I said earlier, she was adopted."

"But you still loved her as though she really was your sister, didn't you?" she said.

Prowl nodded. "I did, Sari....I really did." He said. 'And I still do.' He reminded himself.

Sari was briefly at a loss for words. Sure, she was his friend and all but she was only 8 years old! She wasn't exactly a therapist and she wasn't the kind to make motivational pep talks like Optimus.

Prowl however spared her of the effort of having to think of that as he stood up and dusted himself off. "I think that's more than enough life story for today. We best head back before the others get suspicious." He said already turning around to leave.

Sari quickly followed, evidently the ninja bot made it clear that that was all for today. Welp, there's always tomorrow.

"Wait, so what happened to Mantis?" Sari can't help but inquire.

"Another story for another day." Prowl said curtly, obviously he didn't want to discuss this any further.

He transformed back into his alt-mode and activated his holoform. Sari clicked her helmet into place and hopped on. They once again rode past the familiar streets of Detroit.

As they stopped at a red light, Prowl heard laughter beside him. Adjusting his mirror, he saw a little girl with an ice-cream cone in hand standing next to an older boy whom he presumed to be her older brother. Said brother chuckled and knelt down to wipe off the ice-cream getting smeared all over his sister's mouth.

Seeing that simple tender scene filled with sibling love....brought his processor back to happier times he treasured so much.....


Mantis flopped down onto the mats right next to a meditating Prowl. "I'm boooooooooooored!" the young femme complained.

Prowl's optics twitched in annoyance. "Then find something to do." He said.

"That's the thing, I can't." she said.

"Then go train or run around or draw or...practice your backflips." Prowl said.

"Already did all that." Mantis said.

"Then go ask Master Yoketron to entertain you." Prowl said.

"He's busy and he'll just tell me to come back to you anyways." Mantis pointed out.

Scrap, Prowl hated when she was right.

"Why don't we go out for a bit?" Mantis suggested. "It seems like a nice Solar Cycle to visit Iacon."

Prowl frowned. "I don't think Master will agree."

"Aw, c'mon. Where's your sense of fun? We've been cooped up in this dojo for so long, isn't your processor starting to malfunction?" she asked.

Prowl thought about it and realized that he had in fact been cooped up in the dojo for some time now. Sure, there were the occasional trips to the city for supplies but other than that, he hasn't gone out much.

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