Chapter 37: Megatron Rising; Part Three

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Optimus has experienced many things in his life. He wasn't saying he was anyone special, nor were all of said experiences good ones. Still, they were experiences not many could've gone through nonetheless.

He's experienced what it's like to feel as though you can finally do something big, something right, something that could change things for the better only to do something reckless, something that slaps you in the face and makes you realize that you weren't cut out for anything great.

He's experienced feeling like a failure- deep down, he knew he still was. He's experienced the loss that tears you apart and the horror that stabs you over and over when your mistakes come back to haunt you.

He's experienced what it's like to go to another place filled with another species of life that's so small, so fragile yet so similar to his own.

He's experienced what it's like to fight Decepticons. Not the type that are programmed to a certain degree in a training stimulation but head on, in person with his own servos and witness the destruction they can cause with his own optics. Felt just how destructive their firepower was through his own systems.

He's experienced the spike of fear that gets send through you when you realize that you might die in a battle and not live to online your optics and say goodbye to friends you should've appreciated so much more.

He's even experienced death  for Primus's sake!

But today probably took the cake as humans would say.

It started with Optimus feeling like he was a failure- nothing new there. Oh no sir, not at all. Then it spiraled from there.

He messed up with Sari then Bee and Mantis. After that, he messed up with the Dinobots too. As if things weren't bad enough, Starscream just had to get thrown in and now......

Now slagging Megatron too.

He felt a familiar jolt of fear run through his systems as the Decepticon regally descended like some god from the sky. Down to the ground where they stood, like sheep herded to a field to be slaughtered.

Optimus noted the warlord looked....different. Much like they did compared to before they got their Earth alt-modes to blend in. But the deadly proficient dual blades and mounted arm cannon capable of mass destruction remained the same.

"Is that....who I think it is?" Bulkhead said all their thoughts aloud.

"How is that possible?" Prowl asked. A good question without an answer.

Megatron landed with a 'thump', his expression cold but it was clear there was a controlled fury behind those red optics.

"I don't know. But he doesn't look too interested in explanations." Optimus said, taking his axe out and dropping into a fighting stance, Prowl doing the same.

Suddenly, Prowl didn't mind Mantis and Bee staying stuck on top of Sumdac Tower with Starscream. He'd rather his sister deal with a con who likes to talk a lot than a Decepticon that could actually back up anything he said.

"Fine by me." Bulkhead said. Then he activated his wrecking ball. "I hate small talk!"

He launched it towards Megatron who didn't even blink. He easily deflected it with his sword as though he were swatting a fly and sliced the cable clean off.

Bulkhead pounced with a roar, intending to use his massive weight and strength to overpower Megatron and tackle him down.

However, Megatron was stronger.

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