Chapter 25: Lost and Found

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Ignorance truly is bliss, Ratchet thought as he finally managed to enter a nice peaceful stasis nap which he deemed he deserved.

Seriously, kids these days really had no sense of survival or self-preservation. To face off against Starscream?! By themselves?! Them, two minibots who were only younglings?! He knew Bumblebee was the type who needed a tune up in his central processor but Mantis too?!

Primus these kids were gonna be the end of him.

And no he was not, absolutely not going soft because of his age......................ok, maybe just a tiny bit.

But! Although he would never say it aloud, the kids were starting to grow on him and.......fine, he'll admits that he does care.

Not that he'll ever say it aloud. Nope, never.

But all those thoughts were pushed aside as he enjoyed his sweet, peaceful stasis nap..........


A projectile came flying and hit him right in the fender, harshly knocking him out of his stasis nap and sending him falling.

"Hey! Watch the fender!" he snapped at the culprit....aka Sari.

Said girl came to a halt, wearing a dark blue helmet and elbow and knee pads for protection with matching roller skates, a hockey stick in hand.

"Time out! Fan interference!" she said unapologetically.

"First off, I'm no fan of this childish game. Second, the only interference is with my stasis nap!" he snapped back, even more grouchy than usual because his precious stasis nap was interrupted.

"Yeesh, what a grouch." Sari said. Then she bent down and turned her attention back to the makeshift hockey ball. "Game on!" she called, resuming the game she was playing with Bee, Mantis, Bulkhead and surprisingly even Prowl getting roped into it.

Bee snatched the ball away from her with the stop sign- his own makeshift hockey stick- and skated off, preparing to score a goal.

"Think fast!" Mantis said, swooping in and snatching it from him with her street sign- her makeshift version of a hockey stick.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"Pass!" she yelled, smacking it towards Prowl who braced himself and raised the lamp post he clutched- his 'hockey stick'- in preparation but Bee leaped up and intercepted it halfway.

"Hey!" this time, she was the one who protested.

"He's breaking away!" Bee commentated. "The crowd goes wild!"

Bulkhead- the goal keeper- who was also clutching onto an actual hockey stick that seemed like a toothpick in his huge servos, hunched down, optics determined to protect the goal.

At the last minute, Bee swerved to the side and hit the ball.

"He shoots!" the ball went soaring through the air towards the goal. "He-!"


A small garbage automaton intercepted and knocked the ball away. Save!

Bee came to a halt and a sound of shock escaped his voice box, his victory snatched away from him. Mantis blinked in equal surprise as the garbage bot crashed down. Huh, she didn't know it was part of the team.

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