Chapter 8: Reunion ~I~

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"I do. This....this is my sister." Prowl said.

They all just stared at their resident ninjabot with wide optics, pupils dilated in shock and their jaws dropped- in Bulkhead's case quite literally.

Then Bumblebee released a nervous laughter that was evidently forced out. "Hahaha! Good one Prowl. Who is she really?" he asked.

"I said she's my sister you dimwit!" Prowl snapped at him. "Why isn't she waking up?" he asked looking at her in concern. Despite being unconscious, her faceplate was still slightly strained in pain.

"Let me see, kid." Ratchet said coming over and scanning her. "Hm........have to say, kid, she must've been on quite the adventure. Her energon levels are-"

"Is she going to be okay or not?!" Prowl snapped.

Their optics widened even more. They've never seen Prowl this panicked, this emotional and they daresay vulnerable before. He always seemed so calm despite how bad the situation was. He hardly ever snapped at any one of them like that.

"Uh, hello? Are we forgetting that we have this?" Sari asked holding her key up.

Ratchet gave her a lift and she looked the unconscious Mantis over. "Where do I put it in?" she asked.

"Try over here." Prowl said tapping the area on her neck that resembled a Chinese style collar.

Ratchet thought about it. "Worth a shot." He said.

Sari climbed up to her collar and like with the others, the plating parted to reveal a keyhole. The AllSpark key did its magic and shifted slightly to fit the shape. Sari wasted no time in slotting it in and turning it.

There was a bright flash of light and slowly, the dents in Mantis's plating disappeared, snapped wiring and broken circuits mended, the graze and other cuts sealed shut- disappearing as though they were never there and the wound on her left pede sealed, stopping the leak of energon.

The slight strain of pain faded from her faceplate and was replaced with a peaceful relaxed expression.

But still, those optics remained closed under her shades.

Sari blinked. Did she miss something? Did something go wrong?

"Hey, why isn't she waking up?" Sari asked.

Ratchet looked at his scans. "Don't worry, she's still in stasis. Most likely from exhaustion and some energon malnourishment. Nothing a transfusion and some rest can't fix." He said.

"Is she going to be alright?" Prowl asked still staring at Mantis, his faceplate etched in concern.

"Cool your engines, kid, she'll be up and about in a day or two like nothing ever happened." Ratchet reassured.

"Thank you, both of you." Prowl said sincerely to Sari and Ratchet.

"I hate to interrupt your reunion Prowl, but I think it's best if we take this back at base. When she wakes up, I want answers." Optimus said. "Bulkhead, carry her back, gently."

Bulkhead nodded. "Gotcha Bossbot."

"Bulkhead." Prowl called as he walked over to him, carrying Mantis bridal style.

"Yeah?" Bulkhead asked.

"I will only say this once." Prowl's tone was level and even but with a dark undertone and his usual calm demeanor was replaced with an ominous menacing aura that was currently squeezing Bulkhead's spark in cold terror. "If I so much as see another dent on Mantis, I will personally send you to the Well myself, is that clear?"

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