The Hospital

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(Warning graphic content, and abuse)

I woke up ten days after I was admitted to the hospital to tubes and IV's all over me

My head was pounding and I was confused, the last thing I remembered was a frying pan to my face and the back of my head.

I tried to sit up with pain shooting through my whole body.

I looked around the room and seen Tig sitting in a hospital chair with his eyes closed.

I quietly shiffted in the bed trying to not wake him up, but ended up making the machine's I was hooked up to start beeping loudly.

Tig opend his eye's in fright, and looked around the room wondering why the machines were going off, he thought I had had flat lined in my coma.

He finally locked eyes on me and stood up in surprise to see I was finally awake after ten days of being in a coma.

"Hey baby" Tig said.

"Hi Tiggy" I croaked, my mouth was so dry from not having many fluids to drink.

"Let me go find a nurse to shut these damn machines off" Tiggy replied "I'll be right back my love" kissing me on the forehead.

I jerked at the pain it left on my bruises, I smiled trying to act cool and not in pain as he left the room.

I looked more around the room to see what was going on and where exactly I was at. I was really confused and on many medications for the pain.

The door opened to Tig and a nurse coming back into the room.

The nurse started pushing buttons on the machines and told me "it was ok"

"You probably just rolled on to some of the IV cords that are hooked up to you" said the nice hot looking nurse.

"These are some amazing drugs if I think the nurse is hot" I think to myself.

I laugh out loud at my thought and Tig looked at me wondering what I was laughing about.
I just kept laughing until the nurse left the room.

"Water" I croaked at Tig.

"Ice chips?" Asked Tig

"Doc's orders" he continued.

I sighed and said "fine just give me something, my mouth is like the Sahara desert"

He laughed as he handed me a cup full of ice chips.

He spoon fed me some ice chips and sat back down in his chair staring at me. Looking me up and down.

"What?" I said looking at him

He asked why I was laughing so hard.

"That nurse is hot!" I said

*His eyes widen*

He looked at me and said

"Since when do you look at women that way?"

I laughed and said "the drugs man.. The drugs made me do it!"

He set the cup of ice chips down, and looked at me, tears in his eyes from what he was seening.

"I was afraid I lost you babe" Tig replied

"Well from what I can see I'm still here, alive and kicking" I said sarcastically

"And your beautiful as ever my queen" Tig said.

I laughed so loud and spit out the ice chips he was spoon feeding me..

"Have you seen my face?" I said
Or did you loose your sight while I was in here?"

*laughing with me*

"no" he said.

"You are beautiful no matter what you look like baby girl, bruises or not" he replied

"Your face should heal and go back to the way it was before this happened" he reassured me.

I nodded slowly, feeling sick to my stomach.

I changed the subject and asked who else was here.

"Everyone has been here" he said

"Everyone? Tig.. How long have I been here?"

Tig responed " you came in ten days ago.. Unconsious"

"Our neighbor called the police after hearing the fight" Tig said

"What fight?" I said looking dazed and confused.

"Babe" He looked at me with a serious face.. A face I've never seen him wear when he's with me.

"Jesse got released from prison ten days ago and found out where you were staying" he replied

"The police called me as soon as you got the the hospital, I was with Clay as they explained to me what happend to you" he told me.

"And then what happened? What exactly happened Alex? I don't remember much" I asked

I only call him Alex when I'm being serious, he knows not to shit around with me when I do.

"Jesse found you at our house. He knocked the door down and attacked you dol. He hit and beat you" he said with hurt and anger in his eyes.

"The cops said there were signs of struggle, you must've faught back good baby girl." He said with a smirk.

He also said, " the cops found a frying pan covered in blood, must've been your blood."

He stared out the window while telling me what happened.

"I remember that" I said

"It went black after that, then I woke up here.." I looked at him.

He looked back at me, like he was coming back to reality.

"You lost a lot of blood, you were in surgery for 12hrs.." He told me.

"I came to the hospital right away to be here when you woke up.." he said looking down at me.

"You've been here for ten days straight??" I asked in shock

"Of course not baby girl, the guys and I have been here in shifts" he replied

Those big blue eyes filling up with tears and rage. He carefully caressed my face, with me wincing in pain.

My left eye is swollen shut, I have laceration's all over my face from the beating, my face is a nasty shade of blue and black. Stiches on my lip and right eyebrow. Twenty stiches on the back of my head from the frying pan, bandages everywhere.

I could see how upset he was getting at telling me this.
I grabbed his hands to reassure him I was fine.
He looked at me and half smiled and said "I am sorry baby girl, I should've been there with you"

He was supposed to be with me. He took a week off since hes been so busy with the club, Clay had different plans and scheduled a run on the day I was attacked.

He got up and layed with me in my hospital bed. He wrapped his arm around me as I snuggled in next to him trying not to make the machines go off again.

He kissed me on my forehead and said "I love you Marlee, now and forever. I will never let this happen again, over my dead body."

I looked at him with a smile, "what will you and the club do?" I asked.

"We'll fix it and make it right, Jesse will be stopped"

I closed my eyes and dosed off in his arms.

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