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Two weeks later
Tig's POV

We arrived home two weeks later. Marlee and I pulled up to our house and parked in the drive way.
"I hate that we are home" Marlee said.
"I know baby doll.. I know. I wanted this relaxing trip to be longer but.. The club-" I tried to finish before Marlee fonished my sentence.
"Needs you"
"Yea" I looked at her.
"I'm sorry baby" I said as I placed a hand on her face.
"It's ok, I shouldnt be upset.. I mean.. The club is your life." She said with a smile.
"So are you Marlee." I said and kissed her before she got out of the truck.
"I'm just glad Jesse is gone and we can go back to the way things were" she added as she went to the back of the truck to grab our stuff and bring into the house.
"Me too." I agreed.
"Have you called and told the guys we are back?" She asked.
"Not yet. I figured one more day wouldn't hurt them. They did survive with me gone for two weeks" I laughed and grabbed some stuff to carry in.
We were walking to the front door when our neighbor Kevin came over to us.
"Welcome home you two. Some mean old lady was here just an hour ago looking for you two" he said.
I looked at Marlee and we both smiled and said "Gemma"
"I'll go call her" she added.
"Don't tell her we are home" I yelled back as she walked into the house.
"How is she?" Kevin asked.
"She's good, the trip did us both great. We didn't want to come back." I told him.
"Why did you? I mean l.. I would miss the crap out of you voth but... With all that happened, I would've stayed where you both were." He said.
I thought about this.. Marlee and I both did. But our life is here in Charming, and with he club. We have family here and it would be hard to let that go.
"We both talked about it, but family is here and it would be hard." I said.
"Yea I guess your right. That would be hard with what yall have been through. Being with fanily at this time will do you both good" he said.
"If you both need anything, Sarah and I are right next door" Kevin added and turned to walk back to his yard where he was working.
I picked up the stuff I had in my hands and walked to the house.
I put the stuff on the living room floor and heard Marlee on the phone.

Marlee's POV

I walked into the house and set stuff down.
I looked at everything and wondered how we had so much for just two weeks away. All I knew was that I wasnt putting it away by myself.
I grabbed my phone and dailed Gems number.
"Hello" she said as she picked up.
"Hey Gemma, heard you were over at the house looking for me and Tiggy."
"Yeah I was.. Are you two home? How did you know that?"
"Kevin our neighbor called us. Said some mean old looking lady was looking for us." I said and laughed.
"Mean? Old? I'm not that old!!" She yelled.
"Calm down Gem. I'm sure he didn't mean it" I reassured her.
"Yea your probably right." She said and chuckled
We talked until I heard Tig come in.
He walled over to me,
"What does she need?" He asked
"She wants us to come home" i said making it sound like we were still st the cabin.
"Oh.. Well tell her another week" he said and laughed.
"Will do" I said and put the phone back uo to my ear.
"Gem, we'll be back in a week. Can we tall then?" I askedm
"Sure thing sweetheart" she said and hung up the phone.
I hate to lie, but Tig and I just wanted to unpack thing and get in some more relaxing before we had to go back to our live's.

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