The next morning

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Tig's POV

I woke from a hell of a sex dream. I rolled over to pull Marlee close to comfort myself.
"Ummm Tiggy" she chuckled.
"Mmhmm baby" I said quietly.
"Stop poking me" she said and moved her hand behind her to feel that lil Tigger was awake as well.
"Damn it babe.. Sorry" I laughed as she turned in my arms to face me and kissed me with her hand still on Tigger.
"Good morning baby and lil baby Tigger" she cooed as she rubbed me.
"Dang woman.. You drive me crazy" I said as I pulled her tighter.
"Good! Though you already are" she laughed.
"Hey now.. Well no, yea I am" I smiled at her and kissed her.
"Baby" I said loooing donw at lil Tiger.
"Mmhmm" she sadi as she grabbed him again and started stroking him.
"I(grunt)Thank(Moan)God(grunt)Every(moan)Day(grunt)For(moan)You(grunt)Baby(moan)Doll" I said.
"I know you donyou she sadi as she moved down and put her mouth on Tigger.
"Jesus fuck baby.. You know how to male me feel good" I said as I smiled and rolled on to my back for her to get to me.
"Because I love you baby" she said keeping her eye's on my eye's as she sucked.
"I love it when you look at me when you do that baby" I said.
"Mmhmm" she said and sucked more.
Minutes later I couldn't keep it in anymore. "I cant hold it baby... You ready?"
"Yes babby.. Cum for me Tiggy" she said and put me back into her mouth.
"Oh fuck" I said as I could feel Tigger twitch as I let loose my sperm into her beautiful mouth.
"Jesus baby" I said watching her come back up to me and lay her head my heaving chest.
"I can't get enough of you baby doll" I added.
"I cant either, I love being with you, I love when your inside of me, i love when you take control and go all autopilot and fuck me baby" she said.

An hour later

We layed there for an hour just talking.
"You hungry Tiggy?" She asked.
"Yea I could eat"
"Good, Gemma filled the fridge up with food, Ii think she got bacon and eggs. I couod do toast or bagels" she said looking at me.
"Anything you want I want baby, your cooking is amazing." I said as she kissed me and got up to get dressed.
She then gave me another kiss and walked out to the kitchen.

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