The Cabin

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Marlee's POV

I heard the Harley pull up as I ran to the window, Gem not far behind me. All we could see was the light on the bike.. one bike.

"What do you think happened?" I asked Gem.

"I don't know sweetheart." she said "We'll have to wait and ask" she added.

I watched a shadow of a man get off the bike and take his helmet off and hang it on the bike handle.

He walked to the door, lighting up every step as he got closer to the porch light.

I walked to the front door knowing it was Tig. The look on his eyes said it all. It was finished, Jesse was gone.

"Hey baby" I said as i stood in the open doorway.

He just looked at me. I realized the dried up blood that was on his kutte and his face. I hurt and i hurt bad looking at him.

He walked closer and shut the door.. he reached out for me and pulled me in for a huge tight hug, He was in tears, I could hear him sob as he laid his head on my shoulder and out his face in my neck.

"Shhh, baby its ok." I said.

"Baby i love you. and will never stop." he told me in between sobs.

"I know baby, I Love you to.. Come on let me clean you up" I took his hand as i led him to the bathroom, Gem behind us. "I'll get some towels for you guys."

"Thanks Gem" I said walking Tig into the bathroom.

I first looked at him, made sure the blood wasn't his, It wasn't. I then started to take off his kutte and fold it up and set it on the counter to clean later. I then unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off down his arms. He barley looked at me. I turned and started a bath for him. I even was nice enough to put some oils in it to calm him down, he felt really tense as I undressed him. I then got back up and started to unbutton his pants, he grabbed my hand sand pulled them to his mouth and kissed them. I looked at him in his eye's and nodded, We didn't need to say sorry about the fight, We just knew. I finished taking off his pants and then his boxers. I helped him get into the tub and sit. I grabbed a wash cloth that Gem brought in with the towels, and put soap on it to wash him up. I started with his front side, I washed his face as he quietly sobbed in my hands. I then washed his chest, he looked up at me and grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed him back, "Sit with me babe. Please?" he asked.

"I need to change the water baby first, I don't want to sit in blood." I said pointing to the water.

"Oh.. yea.. That would be best." he said with a half smile.

I unplugged the tub to drain it as I stood up and took my clothes off so I could join Tig in the tub.

I turned to get in and he grabbed my hand to help me. I sat down in between his legs and layed on my head on his chest as the water filled the tub again.
"You ok?" I asked as I looked him in the eye's, "I know sowmthing bad happened and I know, but I wont ask you."
"Yea.." He said staring off into space.
I was worried, "Baby" I whispered as he just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer letting the tears fall.

Tig has killed many times, more then I could count. But this one time was the worst for him. I think it was because he was protecting me, but I knew it had hurt him to the core. He was a strong man being the Segeant-at-arms for the Sons but I felt this had broken him. I was really worried for him.
We sat in the tub for what seemed like forever, the water was getting cold now.
"Baby"I looked up at him.
"We should get out and get dressed, have you eaten?" I asked
"Can you eat?" I added.
"I could eat" he said as I heard his stomach growl.
I got out and grabbed his hands after he pulled the tub plug.
I wrapped an towel around him and myself and led him to the room. I sat him gently on the bed and turned to get him some comfy clothes, he grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. I kneeled on the floor and looked at him. I raised my hands to his face as he couldn't hold back his tears, "I love you baby" he sobbed into my hands.
"I love you to Tiggy, I do a lot and will never stop loving you." I said and pointed to my ring finger with my wedding ring, "Now and forever, until death do us part" I said and kissed him.
"God baby, where did you come from?" He asked.
I thought hard on that. I wanted to make him not cry anymore, I wanted him to smile that gorgeous smile he has, I wanted to hear him laugh that sexy, hot laugh he has, so I said the next bext thing that came to my mind. "Clays sperm and my mom's vagina." I said with the straightest face possible.
"Jesus fuck baby.. Now I have that picture in my head" said cracking up with laughter.
"You sure do know how to make me feel better" still chuckling.
"I'm glad I could make you feel better and make you laugh." I said
"You worried me baby boy" I added.
"I know baby face.. I know and I'm sorry" he said with his hands now on my face as he kissed me.

I finished getting him dressed into sweats and a sweatshirt. I wanted him to feel as comfortable as possible.
I got up to get dressed myself in something comfy as well. He watched me slip the towel off and moaned.
"Damn baby. You looking fine all naked and shit." He said as I turned to see him smirk.
"Calm dowm baby boy, Gemma and Half-Sack are still here and you make me loud when we get into it" I smiled at him.
"They have popcorn?" he asked.
"What?" I chuckled
"Do they have popcorn out there?" He repeadtes himself still looking at me lustful like.
"I don't know.. Why would they need that?" I asked.
"Well if they have some they can pull up a chair for the show that is about to start and eat it" he sadi and got uo and walked over to me, he grabbed my hips and pulled me backwards into him hard as he kissed my neck.
"Ugh.. Tig" I said, "We can't.. Not right now" I added.
"Hold on" he said and left the room.
I heard him talk to Gem and Half-Sack. I then heard the door shut.
"Ok" he said as he walked back into the room, "Their gone" he sdded as he was pulling his clothes off. "Take thise off" he said pointing tonme as I was just pulling up my panties.
"Really?" I asked, "After what you just went through, you want this?" I asked as I pointed to myself.
"Fuck yea I do baby" he said as he finished taking his wants off and I seen how hard he was.
"Mmm baby boy"i said looking at his member and walked over as I pulled my panties off.
We were both naked now as he grabbed my ass and lifted me uo and into him. I kissed his lips and he parted his mouth so I could enter with my tounge.
"Mmm doll" he moaned, I could feel his cock growing underneath me.
I went for his ears, kissing his neck as I went. I got to his right ear and sucked it into my mouth as I heard him growl with pleasure. He couldn't wait and positioned his cock at my center and pushed into me.
"Oh god.." Groaned.
"Yes baby.. Let me fill you up" he said as he walked to the bed and layed me down. He was hovering over me on the bed and thrusted his cock back inside of me, makimg me moan and arch my back with the thrust.
"Fuck me Tiger" I moaned, "Fuck me hard baby" I added.
"Yes doll face" he groaned.
We both moaned at each thrust he made. Harder and harder the closer I came to my orgasm, "oh Tiggy, I'm gonna cu-" I started to say as I felt him twitch as he grunted and exploded inside me as I came with him.
"Jesus fuck Marlee." He sadi as he wanted and fell on the bed next to me.
"I know" I said in between breaths.
"God your amazing" I turned into him and kissed him. He kissed me back and scooted up to the pillows pulling me along with him. He had his right arm undse me and I was nuzzled into his chest. I turned so my face was looking up to him. "I dont know what I would do without you baby girl" he said as he looked at me. I could see how tired he was.
"Probably wallow in self pitty and probably still fucking and beating hookers" I said and we both laughed as I reached around him and turned the light off. He grabbed me again and pulled me closer to kiss my lips.
"I love you baby" he said
"I love you too Tiggy" I said and layed back down. I laued there until I could hear him snoring. He needed rest and deserved it.

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