Leaving the Hospital

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Five days since waking up from the coma

Everyone was running around trying to help me get my things together to go home.
I was still sore from what happened to me.
Tig was helping me get dressed with the clean clothes he had brought from our home.

"Ouch" I whinced as he was putting my pants on.

"Sorry doll face" he said

"It's not you Tiggy, I'm just still so sore" I replied.

"I know baby.. We'll get you home and in bed to rest more" he reassured me.

I looked up at him as he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a standing postion next the bed.
He was busy trying to hold me and not have me fall over as I grabbed his face with my shaky hands and pulled him in for a kiss on the lips.

"I really do love you Tigger" I said to him.

"I love you to my beautiful queen" as he pulled my pants up and buttoned them shut.

I looked at the mirror and seen my face for the first time since I got to the hospital, I sniffled and said "I guess" to Tig.

He looked at me "You are more then beautiful... Your an angel in disguise, my angel"

Twenty minutes later

Dr. Knowls knocked on the hospital door, "you dressed and decent?" she asked

"Yes" Tig and I said in unison

She entered the room and handed Tig some discharge papers to sign. He grabbed them and went to go to the counter to sign them.

Dr. Knowls had a baggie of bandages and other supplies and handed them to me,

"These are for you to change your.." she waved her hand over me as I shook my head in response, to let her know I knew what she was about to say.

Tig came back to where we were standing and handed her the papers and kissed her head and thanked her for the help.

"We'll call if we need anything doll" he said to her.

I know you will" she said and smiled.

She looked at me and said "I'm glad your feeling better Marlee"

"Me to, I'm just happy to go home"

I really didn't like hospitals, They gave me the creeps bad.

"I need a shower" I said looking at Tig.

"We'll get you one as soon as we get home babe"

I shook my head in response.

Gemma entered the doorway and asked if we were ready to go.

Tig shook his head yes.

Gemma was there to drive me back to Tig and I's house since Tig had his bike at the hospital, He just came from the club house.

Tig's phone rang, "It's your dad" he said to me

"Well answer it" I looked at him.

He answered it and left the room as Gemma grabbed my beg and walked back to the door.

Dr. Knowls asked if I could walk or if I needed a wheelchair.

I looked really pale, I was doing to much at once.

"Yes I may need one" I said looking at her.

Tig came back into the room and said "Everyone wants us to come to the club house, I told them you were tired and just wanted to go home and rest."

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