The Cabin and Jesse's dismise

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Marlee's POV

Tig pulled my truck up to the cabin. We both got out and got my bags to bring inside. We were standing next to the truck.
"Why do I have to be here Tig?" I asked as Gemma and Half-Sack pulled up next to us. They both got out and Half-Sack grabbed my bag's from me and brought them in.
"Hey sweetheart" Gem said as she hugged me and Tig.
"Baby, I dont want to hear it. I'm pissed and tired. This is for your protection, just until the guys and I can find Jesse" He glared at me, looking very exhausted as he stepped closer to me, making me flinched.

"And I'm not?" I retorted at him, getting upset as well. "I mean, I was the one that got attacked on the damn day that I had planned for our anniversary... but you HAD to listen to my father and go on a damn run.." I yelled, my face red and shoving my hands towards his chest pushing him back.

He didn't like that and came closer to my face and pointed at me "Don't you fucking dare use that against me... You know how fucking bad I hurt getting that call from Gem and coming to the hospital and hearing I had almost lost you. Then seeing you hooked up to machines and in a damn coma." He said with tears in his eyes, I had struck a nerve and a bad one.

"You wouldn't have had to go through that if... if you just said no for once to Clay" I said as I pushed his hand away from my face, "Your always with the club, your only home at night and by the time you get there your fucking tired, and just want to sleep".

"I'm the Sergeant-At-Arms Marlee.. What do you expect?" He yelled at me,
"It's my job!!"

"Then find a new one!!" I screamed at him.

Gem stepped in before it got ugly. "You both need to calm the fuck down and take a damn breath." She said looking at both of us.

I glared at him, I had enough of this, I threw my hand up, "FUCK YOU ALEX!!" I screamed, as I turned and walked to the cabin and slamming it behind me.

I stood inside the door trying to calm down as tears ran down my face, that was the first fight Tig and I have ever had.. I hated it. I wanted to go back out and kiss and hug him, I wanted to apologize. I just wanted it to go back to the way it was before Jesse got out of prison, but I knew it wouldn't.

I heard his Harley turn over as I looked out of the window as he drove away.

The door opened and Gem walked in, "You hurt him Marlee, There was much pain on his face when he drove away."

"I know Gem, he hurt me to though.. But I did over react." I said looking at her, "I'm just fed up and I don't want this anymore, I just want it to be over."

"It will be soon sweetheart" she grabbed me and hugged me tight, kissing my head.

"What do you mean soon?" I asked her.

"He just got a call from Hale, They found him" She said, "That's why he left".

Jesse was still in Charming. He was at a friends house staying there until he could get money to get back to Lodi.

I didn't know what the club had planned, but I hope it was good and got the job done.

(Warning ⚠ grapich content)
Tig's POV

I pulled up to the club and got off my bike. I was taking my helmet off as Clay and Jax walked up.

"You drop her off? Clay asked.

I didn't say anything, I just walked to the club. I was pissed, hurt bad and pissed. I needed a drink and bad.

They followed me in, noticing my anger. "What's wrong?" Jax asked as I sit at the bar and got a beer.

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