The Begining To An End

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Tig's POV

Marlee and I got most of our stuff put away that we took to the cabin.
We were getting ready to head to the club, Gem got word that we were back at home before we said we would be.
Gem was throwing a welcome home party for us so we got ready to head out to the club.
Marlee got dressed in light blue shorts, and a white graphic tee, Her usual dress wear.
I grabbed whatever was clean, so a blue shirt and some jeans, and my kutte.

We pulled up to a full parking lot. I was driving the truck due to my bike being left at the club house.
I was so happy to see her, I think I teared up when I walked over to it. I could feel Marlee watching me and roll her eyes as she did.
Marlee walked over to Gem and gave her a hug.
"Hey Gem" she said
I did the same,
"Hey Gemma"
"Hey sweetheart" Gem said to Marlee
I got the punch to the arm.
"Ouch" I said
"What was that for?" I asked
"For lieing to me and tell me you two were still at the cabin and you really weren't" She said
"How did you even know?" I asked
"I have my ways Tiggy" She smiled and walked into the club with Marlee while talking about the party.
I shook my head and started way through the crowd of people and finally got to the guys and said "Hi" to all of them.

The guys and I entered the club and headed to church.
"Where are you guys going?" asked Marlee as she seen us come in.
"They want to fill me in with some stuff that happened while I was away" I gave her a kiss on the forhead and walked into church and sat down in my spot.

Marlee's POV

I watched as Tig walked into church and the doors closed.
I hoped everything was ok.
Gem must of seen me worry like usual when it came to the club an dcame over.
"It will be ok, Its great news." she assrued me.
"What happened?" I asked
"They have found way to earn straight." She said smiling and patted my shoulder.
"What do you mean?"I asked.
"They won't be dealing gun's anymore." Gem told me.
I was surprised. They have been dealing with gun's and Cartel shit for years, and now it ends.

We heard them talking in there, couldn't make out some words but all of a sudden there was an outburst of cheers from inside the room. The doors opened and the guy's walked out with smiles on their faces. Tig walked up to me and grabbed me for a kiss "We did it baby, No more guns" he said
"Gem just told me you guy's are trying to earn straight" I said
"How is that?" I added
"We are going legit in the escort service and porn business" Tig smiled
"oh Jesus.." I said
"Don't worry babe, I wont do anything to mess up our relationship" He said
"Oh I'm not worried about you.. I'm worried about lil Tiggy here" I sadi as I grabbed him
Tig grunted at my touch.
"Shit babe, keep grabbing me like that and you won't have that problem of worrying" He said and pulled me in for another deep very hot sexy kiss.

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