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All the guys sat down at their spots at a big wooden table with a big reaper craved out on top.

Clay at the head of the table, Jax being next farthest from the doors, Bobby being third, Juice being fourth, Happy being fifth, Piney being sixth at the end of the table, Opie being seventh sitting next to his dad, Chibs eighth sitting next Tig who was the ninth.

"We have a very important discussion to talk about" Clay spoke up, looking at Tig.

Tig said "Jesse is no where to be found, I have been meaning to ask her if she knows of places he has been or will go to hide, Hale knows abiutbthe whole thing. He told Marlee at the hospital he knew Jesse was released and didn't say a word to her or me."

You could hear scuffing and huffing at this comment.
Not one of the guys knew that Hale knew about Jesse being let loose from prison.

"He knows of us, who we are, and what we do, so I know he'll be trying to hide somewhere" he looked around the room seeing if everyone was paying attention.

"What should we do about Marlee?" Piney asked.

"I'm thinking the cabin, just until this blows over. I don't want her near here or him."

"You should take her, Tig" Jax said.

"No... I want to be the one that kills that basterd, for Marlee."

"I want him put out of his misery, I want to show him my face and show him who he is dealing with and show him how it hurts when he beats someones old lady" Tig added angrily.

"What do you want to us to do to him Tig?" asked jax

Tig thought on that for awhile.

"Not sure man, don't even know where he is" Tig said.

"When we find him, we could rip him form limb to limb while he is still alive" smiled Happy.

"I like tha idea!" Said Chibs.

"Agreed" said Piney

Opie shook his head yes.

Jax said "We vote on it"

Tig looked at Clay and shook his head yes.

"Ok.. Let put it to a vote"

"All in favor" asked Clay

Everyone raised their hands at once.

"Vote has been put in motion, now we find this son of a bitch and kill him" said Clay pounding the president's gavel.

All the guys cheered "ye-yeah!!" "Woo-hoo" "Le's go!" Screamed Chibs.

All the guys stood up and shook hands or hugged. Tig opened the door and seen me standing by the pool table with a worried look on my face.

He walked to me fast and asked "Whats wrong baby doll?"

I looked into his eyes and for what seemd like an eternity I fept dafe and far away from all the drama the club had.

I blinked and said "Nothing, I was just waiting for you guys to come out"

"Oh ok" he replied.

"I want to know whats gonna happen Tig, but I know to hurts you to tall about it to me. So I will not pressure you into telling me, but please be careful with whatever you guys decided to do" I said and grabbed his face and plantes a deep passionate kiss on his lips.

He kissed me back and hugged me hard, whispering in my ear, he said "You my queen have nothing to worry about, we did come up with a solution, and no I won't tell you, only becuase I know it will destroy you." He reassured me.

"I know.. I don't want to know. So I'm not asking baby" I reached up and put my hand on his face as he nuzzled into it.

He shook his head "You look tired baby girl, are you ready to go home?"

"Yea I could go home.. Only if you'll come with me" I said
"Of course baby! Why wouldn't I?" He asked.

I looked aorund at the other guys and shrugged, "Well.. All the guys are still here and its only three o'clock"

He smiled that lovely Tig smile I love so much, "lets go home baby doll." He grabbed my hand and walked me out side of the club.

I looked around for Gemma so i could grab my bad from her SUV, she seen us going to Tigs bike and came out of the office
"You going home sweetheart?" She touched my face.

"Yes I'm tired" I said

"Can you please bring my bag home later?" I asked.

"Sure thing darling" she said and kissed my cheek.

She kissed Tig cheek as well,
"You take good care of her Tiggy"

"I always do Gem.. Well" he looked at me and out a hand on my battered face.
I reached for his hand and said,

"He does take care of me. This wasn't his fault at all" I said looking at him.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.

Tig and I walked over to his bike, he put his helemt on my head and snapped the lock. He got on and twisted to help me get on the bike as well. Once on his bike he started it.

"You ready baby?"

"Yes my love, lets go home" insaid and put my head on his shoulders as he drive off.

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