In the kitchen

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Marlee's POV

I walked into the kitchen to start breakfast.
I grabbed to frying oans, eggs, milk, bacon, cooking spray, and pretty much everything you used for eggs and bacon.
I grabbed a cutting board to cut some green onions, I took out a bowl and opened the eggs and added the milk and whisked both together. I set that aside to open and start the bacon.
As I was putting the bacon in the frying pan to fry, Tig walked up behind me and kissed my neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I never want this to end baby" he whispered in my ear.
"I know babe" I said as I leaned into him. "I wish we could do this all day everyday.. But you have the club and well, that takes up most of your time." I added.
"Baby... You know how mych that sounds amazing, but you Clay.. I mean he is your father and you know how pissed he'd be for me to leave" Tig said squeezing me harder.
"I know.. I just wish you could take a month or two.. Just a break, I feel like I barely see you anymore." I said and turned to face him.
I looked up in his eye's and just stared.
"We'll get our break" he said and kissed me.
"How?" I asked as I seen a light turn on in his mind.
"I'll go Nomad" he daid and smiled.
"No the fuck you will not... I won't allow that" I said furious now at that idea.
"But you said you wanted me around more doll.. This is how it will happen." He said confused.
"Yes I did, but not that way" I said grabbing his face. "I can work at the shop. We can see each other more that way." I said "plus you taught me a lot about fixing cars and my dad could always use the help" I added.
"Yea your right" Tig said as I turned back to fry the bacon.
"Plus Gem will like the company there, she's always in that office alone... It'll do her good to have some help" I said as he kissed my neck again, I could feel him smile as he kissed... And licked
"Ok you want good bacon or burnt bacon?" I asked cause he was turning me on.
"Fuck the bacon... I want you" he said reaching over me to turn the at he off as he picked me up and took me to the room.
"No... I'm starving, and you need to eat to" I said grabbing the wall to the hallway.
"After we get done" he said pulling me harder, he grabbed my hands and took them off the wall I was grabbing.
He made me laugh, as he was running his hands down my waist as he took my clothes off, " Gosh your such a horndog.." I said watching him as he undressed himself now.
"You Saud you wanted to be closer" he said as he laughed.
"I did but didn't mean this way" I teased and walked to the door as he stood there hand on his rising hard cock.
"Uh-uh you get your beautiful rounded ass back here" he said and walked towards me and grabbed me pulling me back into room. I was laughing hard as he tightly wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.
It was a passionate morning of sex.

We finished and I got up, hearing both of our stomachs growling.
"We need to eat Tiggy"
"Ok hold on he said and got on top of me and moved his mouth to my vagina..
"Jesus fuck.. Not that kind of breakfast I saud and moaned.
"Ok" he said and stopped.
"Oh no you don't.. You don't get to do that then stop.. Finish what your doing and then I'll make breakfast." I said as I grabbed a handful of his hair and pushed his mouth back to where he was licking.
I heard him chuckle, as he he sucked me into his mouth and me arch my back and moan loud.
As horny as I was it wasn't long before my climax.

"Ok I really need to go make food." I  said.
"I know.. I know. Go do your thing baby doll" he said closing his eye's as he lay back down and rubbed himself as he was hard from licking me.

I walked out to make breakfast.
As I was cokking I could hear him moan and grunting. Then it got quiet. I heard him wash his hands in the bathroom and then heard him shuffling out the the dinning room table.
I was preparing the plates with food, I added fruit to the menu cause he honestly don't eat enough of it, and brought his plate to the table with mine. I then turned and grabbed the pot of coffee and creamer for myself and set it with two coffee mugs next to each plate.
"This looks really great baby girl. And the bacon isn't burnt" he said grinning at me.
"Shut your face and eat Trager" I said as his hand flew to his chest like a bullet struck him.
"Jeesh doll" He laughed
"Love you too" he added.
I got up and leaned in to kiss him "I love you Tiggy" I said.

We both are breakfast and both cleaned up after.
He wanted to cuddle and watch TV, so we did that after.
His phone rang about thirty mins into the movie we were watching.
It was Clay... Club business.
"No Clay.. I can't. I want to spend time with my wife. I just murdered her ex and it tore me apart.. You even looked at me and told me to take time. Clay.. I just can't, not right now." He said.
I was so proud of him standing up to my father for us.
It made me fall in love with him even more.
I heard Clay say 'ok' and they hung up.
"Aww.. Baby" I said and grabbed his face and kissed him.
"I love you doll face, and I want this time together just for us and no one else." He said.
"Exactly baby!" I said and moved in closer to him as he squeezed his arms around me tighter.

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