The Character's

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(Before we move on to far, I want to write about the character's)


Marlee Is the only daughter to Clay Morrow, the President of The Sons of Anarchy. She doesn't know her birth mother, but Gemma took that roll on for her. Gemma is Clay's old lady and mother to Jackson Teller, making Jax Malree's step brother. Marlee stand at 5'7 and 135lbs, she has brown hair and brown eyes. She is an independent woman with a huge heart for the one close to her. She would do anything for them. She works at Teller-Morrow in the office and works on cars here and there, She has Tig to thank for that. He has shown her all she know about cars. She has the biggest crush on Tig but has not told anyone. Though the way she looks and flirts with Tig, everyone knows.


Is a Native of Charming, California. He is the Sergeant-At-Arms of The Sons of Anarchy. He is very loyal to Clay, Gemma, Marlee, Jax, and all the club members. He is in his late forty's. He works at Teller-Morrow as a mechanic in the day time and does runs and club business at night. He has the biggest crush on Marlee, But has not told anyone, But with the way he looks and flirts with her, everyone knows. Despite a perhaps depraved love for violence, Tig also has shows a sensitivity to women and children. He is a crazy biker but a very lovable man with a huge heart.


Gemma is the widow of John Teller the founder of The Sons of Anarchy. She is unapologetic about the lengths she'll go to in order to protect the club, and is beloved by all of it's members. Gemma was born in 1957. She married John Teller whom she had two sons with, Jackson in 1978 and Thomas in 1984. Gemma has a scar on her chest that is form a genetic heart disorder from her mothers side which she passed on to her children. Thomas died in 1990 from complications of the disorder. After John was hit by a semi-truck and died in 1993, she quickly remarried Johns friend Clay Morrow.


Clarence "Clay" Morrow, is the president of the Sons of Anarchy. Father to Marlee Morrow. He served in as a paratrooper in a military unit. Clay is of Irish descent, he was born in 1949. He is one of the original "First 9" members of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club, formed in 1967 but was not a founding member. One of the First 9 he was the youngest and was one of the three who were not war veteran's. When he returned form service, he remained a member of the club and opened the Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair shop with his best friend John Teller.


Jax is the first born of Gemma Teller-Morrow. He is the vice president of SOA. He has served time in prison for gun running, and smuggling. He married Wendy Case, filed for divorce because of her drug habit. After Wendy got clean, they reconciled and conceived a son Abel. Overwhelmed by the idea of being a father and tired of the fighting with Wendy, Jax leaves his pregnant wife, allowing her to continue to live in his home while he lived at the clubhouse. Left on her own Wendy begins using again and winds up overdosing. Abel was born ten weeks premature and addicted to crank. His high school sweetheart Tara Knowles was working at the hospital and was on Abel's service until he was strong enough to go home. Jax and Tara ended up back together as a couple and are now married and have another son together named Thomas.


Tara is a native to Charming, California. Tara is Jax's high school sweetheart, and during that era she had a crow tattooed on her lower back representing her connection to SAMCRO. Tara was arrested in Jax's company at least three times in 1996. She left town when Jax was 19, in order to get away from small-town life and the influence of the club. She moved back as a Pediatric resident at St. Thomas hospital.


Filip "Chib's" Telford, He got that nickname because he has facial scars. He has a good relationship with Tig Trager, Kip "Half-Sack" Epps (a Prospect he sponsored) and Juice Ortiz, with whom he has a father like relationship. Chib's is SAMCRO's connection to the Real IRA, which sells guns to organized crime groups within the United States. He is originally from Glasgow, Scotland, but grew up in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He can be heard speaking both Irish and Scottish Gaelic. Chib's served as a medic with the British Army for five months, before being court-martialed. He was excommunicated from the Real IRA by the groups leader Jimmy O'Phelan, who out of jealousy scarred Chib's face, told him to never return to Ireland, stole Chib's wife Fiona Larkin who is still married to Chib's, and raised CHib's and Fiona's daughter Kerrianne. Chib's then joined SAMBEL in Ireland, until he transferred to SAMCRO in the untied States, whose Charming charter has Real IRA links via the Clubs Belfast charter.


Robert "Bobby" Munson, is the secretary and former vice president of the SOA. Bobby is intelligent and even-tempered (an uncommon trait among his club-mates), but unafraid of using violence when necessary. Bobby's father was an accountant in Reno Nevada, and kept two sets of books for the mafia. bobby apparently learned accounting from him. He is Jewish and does Alvis Presley impersonations in Lake Tahoe, Leading to him sometimes being referred to as "Bobby Elvis". He is responsible for all the club's financial matters and record keeping.


Juan Carlos "Juice" Ortiz displays great technical prowess in some respects, he has proven to be somewhat simple minded when it comes to other tasks, often garnering him hazing from the others members. Juice is of Puerto Rican and African-American descent, and is from Queens, New York. Juice's sponsor was Jax, He is seen as unreliable by Clay, and is given menial tasks, such as driving the transport truck. He sports a Mohawk and has matching tribal designs tattooed on each side of his head. According to Gemma, Juice has a sister in Queens, although their relationship seems to be very distant. Juice has Obsessive-Compulsion Disorder, and has depression and anxiety which resulted in a suicide attempt.


Edward Kip "Half-Sack" Epps is a prospect (Prospective member) of the SOA, which often results in hazing and his being given undesirable tasks. The other members generally have a good-natured attitude towards Half-Sack when giving him these difficult tasks. Half-Sack served in the Untied States Army during the Iraq War. He lost a testicle while serving in Iraq, prompting the nickname Half-Sack. A surprisingly formidable fighter, he was also the junior Lightweight Champion of the Armed forces boxing competition. After leaving the military, he began prospecting for the SOA and worked as a mechanic at Teller-Morrow.


Piermont "Piney" Winston is a member of the SOA, and one of the Club's members along with his best friend, John Teller. He sports the "First 9" patch on his kutte. Piney is the father of Opie Winston. He is in his was in his late sixties and served as a Soldier in the U>S army twenty fifth infantry division during the Vietnam War. When he returned to his hometown of Charming, California, in 1967, he felt ostracized by the same society he had just risked his life for. He eventually co-founded the SOA.


Harry "Opie" Winston is best friends with Jax and Marlee since childhood.Opie's mother took him away from Piney and Charming when he was sixteen, but he left her and returned home to his father and the club. He is Married to Donna Winston and has two children a boy named Kenny, and a daughter named Ellie.

(Chief Unser)

Wayne Unser, is the Chief of police and is known as an associate of SAMCRO. Unser plans to retire, surrounding his post to Deputy Hale. He has cancer and when he retires he is forced out of his house and moves into a trailer and at Teller-Morrow, he is very good with Jax's and Tara's kids. Unser knew Gemma sicne she was twelve. He often refers to Gemma as "Leaving Charming when she was sixteen and showing up ten years later with a baby and a biker gang".


David Hale is the Deputy of the police and is later given the position of Chief of police. He is good friends with Jax, Tara, Marlee and Opie. Unser had nicknamed him "Captian America" for his black and white views, and squeaky-clean adherence to the law, and possiably because of his square jawed all American looks.


Jesse grew up in a big family, He has three sister's and three brother's. He was the fourth born from the oldest. He is thirty five, He stands at 6'0 and weighs 200lbs. He was together but never married to Marlee for Five years. He had a great paying job and a big house that he and Marlee lived in. He became and alcoholic after loosing his job, He became jealous of Marlee and her friends and hated them. He abused Marlee for years. He had a warrant out for his arrest and He was arrested for a domestic dispute and after shooting Marlee in her stomach.

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