Teller-Morrow Automotive

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Everyone is standing around while Gemma and I pull up in her SUV. I can hearing cheering as you look at everyone. I also notice a banner reading "Welcome Home Marlee!".

Gemma parked the SUV, She got out and walked around to My side of the vehicle. I opened the door as i heard the rumbling of Tigs Harley driving into the lot. He has that "I'm pissed the fuck, stay away from me" look on his face.

Gemma helped me out of the SUV as Tig pulled into his parking space by the other bikes. He took his helmet off and removed his sunglasses.

All the guys, Happy, Bobby, Jax, Juice and Chibs walked up to Tig and started talking to him.

Opie was with his kids and Piney was at the cabin drowning his sorrows in booze.

Clay walked over to Gemma and I, "Hey sweetheart" she said to Clay as she finished helping me out of the SUV.

"Hey beautiful" He replied, helping her with me.

"Hey my second beautiful" he said to me as I was standing there leaning against the SUV. He kissed my head and put my arm around him and walked me over to the other guy's standing by Tiggy.

Everyone opened their arms to hug me, "Slow your roles guy's, one at a time." Tig said

He was worried that I would get over whelmed and pass out.

Jax came up and hugged me, "Good to see you standing again darling"

Juice was next, He and I got a long well also. He was like my little brother I never had. "Hey sweetie" he said hugging me.

Bobby was next as he hugged me, "Hey beautiful, How are you feeling?' He asked

He was like me second father. "I'm doing all right, still alive" I said

Chibs came up next and grabbed my hand and shook it. "I don't want ch'a hurt ya by hugging you darling"

"Thanks Chibs but I need all the hugs I can get" I said grabbing him for one, We hugged and I felt better.

Happy was the last one and by the look on his face he was trying so hard not to cry while looking at me. "Hi" he said, moving slowly toward me. I walked up to him and grabbed him. "come over here you big teddy bear" and hugged him. "I'm happy your all right" he said quietly in my ear as we hugged.

Tig took my hand and smiled at me, "Everyone is happy to see you back here baby doll" he said to me as everyone went back to the club house.

"I'm happy to be back, considering the circumstances" I laughed

That upset Tiggy a bit. He didn't this whole thing was funny at all.

I heard him huff at what I said, "Are you ok, do we need to talk?" I asked.

"I'm fine" he shot at me, letting go of my hand he went over to Clay who went back towards the club house.

I watched him as he sat down next to Clay and rubbed his face with his hands.
I knew he was pissed, I wanted to scream to him I was gonna be fine and this wouldn't happen again, but i know him.. To well to know this wasn't over, this was a war and he was gonna end it.

I couldn't quiet hear what they were saying to each other, But Tig looked really worried.

Gemma grabbed my hand and led me into the club, As we walked pass Clay and Tig.

I heard Tig say "We have to do something about this Clay, I'm worried this wont be the last time Jesse comes for her"

Clay looked at Tig and nodded as Tig kept talking.

Gemma and I walked into the club house. She helped me sit down on one of the couches.

I had an inkling at what Tig was telling Clay, He would tell him about what Hale thinks and how Hale wants to proceed with this. I knew damn well Tig was upset talking to Hale, and how I was his most prized procession and didn't want anything bad to happen to me. He loved me, I was his and he was mine.

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