The first and second attack

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(Warning ⚠ graphic content, viewer discretion advice)

(First attack)

It was four years into Jesse's and Marlee's relationship when bad things started. He had been laid off from his job. Thats when the anger started, the drinking started month's after he was not able to find a job. The abuse.. Well that was here and there.

He hated when Marlee would leave and hang out with her friends most of the night. He was jealous of her guys friends. He didn't like them.

Marlee came home one night after twelve a.m. He was pissed at her for not calling and telling him when she'd be home.

He was sitting in the living room on the couch as she walked in.

"You do know what time it is right?" He asked.

She looked at the clock and said

"twelve a.m."

"It's late, you should've been home hours ago" he sounded angry.

"So what" she said,

"I was out having a great time with my friends"

He shot up off the couch and walked towards her.

He grabbed her and shook her,

"You don't need those friends, you have me"

She was scared, she could see the anger in his eyes and knew what came next... The beating.

She tried to step back and fell to the ground as she tripped one of the legs of the kitchen table.

She tried to scramble back up to a standing position as he brought his fist down to her face.

Blood squirted out her nose and mouth, her bottom lip being cut open from the blow.

He grabbed her and pulled her up, he stood her against the wall in the kitchen and hit her again, he backed handed her left eye.

She screamed out for help, luckily the windows were open and one of their neighboors heard her cry for help. Alan ran over to see Jesse beating on Marlee.

Alan called the cops.

Alan broke the door down and tried to stop Jesse. Alan got between Jesse and Marlee,

"STOP" he yelled.

Jesse came back from being blacked out.

Jesse looked around and seen Marlee slide down the wall as she couldn't hold herself up.

Jesse was about to attack Alan for getting in the way when he heard the sirens of the cops coming down the street.

(Twenty minutes later)

The EMT's were checking out Marlee and the cops were questioning Jesse as he sit in the back of a cop car.

Jesse tried to get out of trouble as best as he could. Another officer was talking to Marlee, "Do you want to press charges?" The cop asked.

She looked at the cop car where jesse was and they locked eyes "No" she said.

"Ma'am, if you do press charges we will take him right now and this won't happen again"

"I can't, he was just having a bad day, he didn't mean it. It wont happen again" she said tears in her eyes. The EMT fisnished patching her up. The officer that was talking to her looked at her like she was loosing her mind.

"Ok then, we will let him go" he said and walked over to the other officer and told him to let him go.

(Two months later)

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