Chapter 4: Helpless

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Friday morning
Song: Spring Day

"I'm fine, Taehyung. I just felt nauseous after that lunch," Jimin repeated himself for the tenth time. Taehyung was bent on ensuring that Jimin was not feeling unwell.

They were participating in their first lesson on practical magic ever since Taehyung enrolled in the University of Magic. Jungkook and Namjoon attended the same lesson that day. The teacher, Lee Ji Eun, explained the lesson's first task to the students. Each of them was required to evaporate water in a large container tray in front of them. The difficulty of the task manifested in an additional requirement that entailed removing the bottom layer of water, before the middle layer and finally the top layer. This task proved to be an unfair advantage for water wielders. Jimin managed to complete the task within three minutes.

Jungkook completed the task effortlessly. In fact, he was the first student to complete it. He leaned against the classroom wall, using this time to get some shuteye. There wasn't even time to see what he had done, Taehyung thought. On the other end of the room, Namjoon was reading aloud from a magic theory textbook. His eyes rapidly scanned the pages for information, and it looked as though he was rapping from the speed at which he was reading it. Regardless, he managed to get the job done.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was struggling despite being a water wielder. He pursed his lips, keeping his eyes focused on the water and splaying his hands towards it. The water stopped, then sloshed in the opposite direction, almost spilling over the tray. Taehyung grunted, trying again. Boil the water. Boil it. The water in his container tray remained the same.

"Taehyung, is there something wrong?" Ji Eun walked up to Taehyung, who was the only water wielder who had not completed the task. It was understandable for students who possessed other elemental powers, but a water wielder should have handled this task just fine. "I don't... know exactly what I'm doing," Taehyung confessed. Ji Eun scanned Taehyung from head to toe, as if she were assessing him. Taehyung uncomfortably shifted around on his feet. She tilted her head to the side. "Hmm. I believe you do know what you're doing. Just don't be afraid to use your powers," she concluded.

Ji Eun got Jimin to assist Taehyung. This time, taking advice from Jimin, Taehyung closed his eyes and tried to picture boiling water in his mind. "Uh... Taehyung?" Jimin tapped him on the shoulder. Taehyung opened his eyes and realised that the water in his container tray was frozen. That's new. I've never done that before. But I meant to boil the water...

"Maybe try again?" Jimin suggested. A moment later Jimin winced, clutching his stomach in visible agony. "Oh god, sorry Taehyung. I feel really queasy right now," he groaned, scuttling off to the washroom. Poor Jimin... I'm definitely going to tease him about it after he recovers.

Ji Eun announced to the class that she was going to return later with some materials for the next task. She then left the classroom. Not long after she left, Taehyung felt a strange warmth on his chest. My necklace..?

"You're a water wielder, aren't you? Why can't you complete this simple task?" Cheolsoo mocked, tutting as he shook his head. Taehyung scowled, but he kept quiet. Better to stay out of trouble.

"Oh? It seems that unlike that midget, you have nothing to say to me," Cheolsoo spat, daringly taking another step towards Taehyung. The warmth emitted by his necklace increased in intensity. Cheolsoo shoved Taehyung. Taehyung stumbled backwards, nearly losing his balance. "You're weak. Helpless." Cheolsoo pushed Taehyung backwards again.

Weak. Helpless. Those words wormed their way into Taehyung's heart, causing certain memories to resurface. Those were words Taehyung was familiar with, for he often beat himself up over those adjectives, but he found a way to cope. Afterall, he was at the University of Magic to become stronger, and to distract himself from lonely days when dark thoughts residing within him bashed his weathered mind. Still, hearing those words from someone who could be considered as a stranger was not any easier. Helpless. I'm helpless. Taehyung found it ridiculous that he was holding back tears that threatened to fall.

"Back off."

Jungkook strode towards Cheolsoo, blocking the pathway between him and Taehyung. His posture was rigid: his arms crossed, back straight and shoulders broadened. The other students started murmuring among themselves. "Jungkook. Don't be a busybody. This has nothing to do with you," Cheolsoo gibed.

"You interrupted my nap," Jungkook said dryly. It was a wonder that his eyes still held zero emotions, even as his voice commanded respect from most people. Most people.

The door opened, and Ji Eun stood there fuming. "I left you boys for five minutes and this happens?" she snapped. Knocked off their feet by a strong gust of wind, both Cheolsoo and Jungkook stumbled backwards, away from each other.

Jimin entered the classroom at that juncture. Oh oops. Awkward timing.

Ji Eun reprimanded the both of them for stirring up trouble. "What are Ms Lee's powers?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin. "Air elemental powers. But she also has an extraordinary talent for peacemaking, which makes her useful in violent situations," Jimin explained in detail.

When Ji Eun was done with her stern scolding, the lesson resumed. The second task involved eroding a wooden plank; the third involved making a dent in a metal block. The next few tasks were considerably more challenging than the first task, but they were more manageable for Taehyung, who was under Jimin's guidance.

Right after lessons ended, Jungkook brisk-walked towards Taehyung. "Uh?" Taehyung stuttered as Jungkook grabbed Taehyung by the wrist, dragging him out of the classroom. Jimin looked on, completely dumbfounded. Just what on Cvuldir has my brother gotten into?


"You. You disappoint me," Jungkook said coldly. His eyes drilled holes into Taehyung's soul. What's with the depth in those eyes? "What d-do you m-mean?" Taehyung forced the question out of his throat.

"You did not say anything."

That only made Taehyung more puzzled. Jungkook speaks caveman...?

"I still don't get it."

"You should have stood up for yourself."

Oh... this was what it was about?

"Are you kidding me?" Taehyung muttered. His eyes lowered to the ground, his lips tightening into a thin line.

"No, I am not. Don't just stand there looking so helpless when someone shoves you around." Jungkook's voice was unusually cold. Every word that slipped out of his mouth, Taehyung found to be distasteful.

Don't just stand there looking so helpless.

Taehyung started laughing, his laughter so extreme that his body trembled. Jungkook watched in silence. The school bell rang, its ringing replacing the high-pitched ringing that was resonating in Taehyung's empty mind. It was a distraction sufficient enough to keep Taehyung sane in this inexplicably insane reality.

Taehyung lifted his chin, glaring at Jungkook right in the eyes. "Who do you think you are? You don't get to tell me what to do and what not to do. Don't ever talk to me ever again. Dungkook." Simmering with anger, Taehyung stormed off. Before he made a roundabout the corner, he said loudly, with his back facing Jungkook, "And your stupid hat? I hate how it looks."

Jungkook, as usual, stood in silence. But if Taehyung had looked back at him, he would have noticed a glint of hurt captured in a pair of eyes that usually held empty nothingness.

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