Chapter One

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"You should probably give it up."

... What?

Shocked by those words, my All Might figure fell unceremoniously onto the floor. I felt tears prickle at the corner of my eyes and turned to look at my mother, who was in turn looking in disbelief at the doctor.
Time seemed to slow down and I vaguely even registered the continuing of the conversation.

"Oh dear, so you really think there's something wrong with him? Most of the kindergardeners have begun to show signs already."

"Excuse me, but you're forth generation, right, ma'am? What quirk's do you and your husband have?"

My mother removed her hand from my back- when had she put it there- and let an object float in front of her.

It only made me feel worse. I had one wish, only one wish, and that was to become a hero. Couldn't god have mercy?

"Oh, nothing too special, I can float small objects towards me and my husband eats fire. They're useful enough I think."

The doctor sighed, casting a pitiful glance at Izuku before continuing.

"Izuku should have already manifested one of the quirks or a combination of the both, but after viewing his x-ray I don't think he's going to...
You see, when superpowers first began appearing there were many research studies conducted and doctors discovered a link between the bones in a person's foot and their likelihood to develop a quirk. People with a quirk have only one joint in their pinkie toes, their bodies having evolved into a more streamlined version of the human form."

He pointed at the x-ray, which showed Izuku's foot.
" You can see here that Izuku has two joints in his pinkie like roughly twenty percent of the population.
Based on the research that's available it's safe to say that your son isn't going to develop a quirk."


I was sitting in my room at the desk, watching the same video I watched every evening, but I couldn't focus on anything. I distantly heard the rain falling outside and the thunder rumbling.
I don't have a quirk, I am the only one in my kindergarden who doesn't have a quirk. My eyes were glistening with unshed tears, but it was nothing compared to the pain I was feeling in my chest. I was suffocating in despair and the video was making everything even more realistic, which made me even sadder.

"Fear not, citizens, hope has arrived!"

I looked up, just in time to see All Might flash one of his fearless smiles.

"Because I am here!"

I stopped breathing for a moment, my eyes widening as a sudden thought crossed my mind. Maybe if I worked hard enough, I could still become a hero, no matter if I have a quirk or not!

"See that, mom?" I started, turning to look at my mother, unsure of how to continue. "There's always a smile on his face, no matter how bad things get. Even when things seem impossible, he never gives up."

My eyes filled with tears again. Please... Say yes, tell me I can...

"Do you think... I can be a hero too?"
As soon as the words left my mouth, the tears on my mother's eyes started rolling down her face. That's when I knew... She had given up on me.
The hug she crushed me in felt like salt on a bleeding wound as I cried silently in her hold, my world crumbling before me. That's-That's not what I wanted to hear, couldn't you see... mom?

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